The start of a relationship

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I was in the barrens with the rest of the losers. We had been together all afternoon, it was getting late so most of the losers went home. I was left alone with my best friend Richie. Secretly I'm in love with him. It happened over this summer. Every time IT came to taunt us Richie would protect me and that made me feel happy and safe. However my hopes on being his boyfriend aren't impossible, he is gay just like me. When he came out to us I was very very happy.
I thought about his beautiful, deep sparkly brown eyes. About his messy hair that looked very soft. I contemplated his everything.
"So, Eds ... do you want to take a bath in the lake?" He asked interrupting my thoughts and contemplation.
"But I don't have a swim suit" I said trying not to blushed at his presence.
"Oh Eds, we're gonna wear our underwear" he said.
"Oh, ok then" I said turning into rose red.
Richie pulled his shirt off and his pants as I blushed madly. I did the same as him and he turned slightly pink. We entered the water and he splashed around, sooner or later we started having a water fight. Richie laughed and I giggled. Then he gave me a straight face.
"Umm Eddie?" He asked me with a shaking voice.
"Yeah" I said as I smiled.
"Umm I think I-i might haa-ve feelings for y-yo-yo-you" he stutter. I smiled and hugged him, I was so happy.
"I li-like you too" I said shily as he hugged back. We both hugged, then he kissed me in the head. As his lips touch my head I felt cozy and safe.
"Would you like to b-be my bb-boy-friend?" He aaked me.
"YES!" I shouted as I hugged him tighter. After a while we went out of the water and dried ourselves. We put our clothes again and walked together, holding hands to our homes. Some people were insulting us but we ignore them. Some of them hurt me a little, maybe its because I'm too fragile but it hurt. Richie and me decided to tell the other losers about us tomorrow. We went home and I went to sleep. I was having a nightmare, in the nightmare Richie and me were in the suwers, we were wearing the same clothes. Pennywise was in front of us. I was shaking as Richie and I hugged each other not letting IT get us.
"four eyes and wheezy are going to be a happy couple the rest of life, too bad they'll only have each other since they're gonna be under my controls." IT taunted us. Then IT killed the rest of the losers, we cried our eyes out before Pennywise grabbed us by the neck and controled us to hide our friend's dead bodies. I cried and cried. Then Pennywise stoped and saw into my eyes and whispered

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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