the decision

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dedicated to SasMaster145

Chapter 4

Elektras pov

“ROXY PLEASE HELP ME!! GET OFF ME!!” they were trying to stick a needle in my arm “sweetie we need you to stop screaming okay were going to give you some medicine for the pain okay” she looked at me “I’m not in pain though” as I said that shooting pains went through my entire body making me want to cry and be sick “f-fine” they put the needle in my arm and within minutes the pain was gone but I felt sleepy soon we arrived at the hospital and people were rushing around they gave me x-rays and MRI scans. I eventually fell asleep.

Roxanna’s pov

We got to the hospital and I was given all different scans I was fine just a few cuts to my face and a fractured wrist my right one guess I’m not writing for a while. I had whiplash but other than that I was fine I went visit Elektra she was in worse shape then I was “h-how is she?” I asked the nurse “she looked at me with a small smile “she was very lucky she has a shattered ankle and broken leg in two places she has a mild concussion and large cuts to her face. She was very lucky she also has a fractured rib but she is very lucky. She is asleep at the moment but you can stay if you want and if you need anything just give me a call.” “Wait I have a question.” “Yes sweetie” “w-what happened to my parents are they okay” “sweetie I have bad news. When the truck hit it hit the front really bad they didn’t make it honey I’m so sorry sweetie.” “W-what will happen with me and Elektra” “you’ll be sent to a foster home.” I said goodbye and she walked out the room. Elektra stated to stir “hey Rox how are you? Why are you crying what happened?” “Elektra I need to tell you something but I don’t want you to freak out okay?” she nodded “w-we have to move in to a foster home. My mum and dad dint make it there gone” we both sat in silence Elektra started to cry I moved over to her and gave her a hug we both fell asleep.

Elektras pov

They’re gone they died were alone we have to go to a foster home worst day of my life. I started to cry and Rox came and sat beside me and cuddled me we fell asleep.

Louis pov

We sat waiting to go on stage we had ages we were watching the news we wanted to see if they said anything about the fans. “BREAKING NEWS! Two teenage girls and there parents were in a crash with a 18 wheeler truck the drivers and the two girls were rushed to St peters hospital. They were believed to be on their way to a one-direction concert which they won tickets to. the parents were in critical condition. The crash-” we looked at Liam who had the remote in his hand “we need to see them. They almost died on the way to our concert. And they were the winners of our contest” we smiled and got up and went to St peters hospital. We arrived 20 minutes later and went up to the main desk “hi were here to see the two girls that were brought in earlier this morning they were in a crash.” The woman looked at me and smiled “are you family or close relative” “no they were on there way to our concert-” “I’m sorry family or close relatives only.” We sighed but Liam spoke up, “Were in a band called one direction they’re fans they won tickets to meet us and wed like to meet them. Please” she typed something on her computer “room 401 2nd floor” we walked away and went to the elevator. We walked in and waited until we reached the second floor we walked until we reached room 401 we knocked and then walked in they were asleep cuddling each other. We smiled and sat on the uncomfortable chairs.

Liam’s pov

They looked so peaceful I wonder how their parents are. The one with the black hair started to wake up she moved her arm causing the girl with the brown hair to fall off of the bed and land with a thud on the floor she woke up and rubbed her back and sniffled a bit “shit. Rox are you okay I didn’t mean to make you fall off of the bed I’m sorry baby girl. Great I made you cry I’m the worst bestfriend ever” she put her head in her hands and it looked like she was crying “wait what?” I heard Niall say making them both jump the black haired girl glared at him “you’re not sisters?” Louis asked the girl stood up and smiled “I really hit my head hard because right now I see one direction in your room Elektra” “your not dreaming” Elektra lifted her head. Had she not heard the other boys this time I spoke up, “your not dreaming girls we are actually in your room. You sure you’re not sisters?” “Oh…my…god pinch me Rox” 

Elektras pov

Oh my freaking god One direction is in my room. “erm were not sisters we have been bestfriend since I can remember. Were both 16 I’m younger by three months and two weeks my name is Roxanna and this is Elektra.” I was so glad Rox spoke up because I couldn’t muster the words to speak. We spoke for ages and we laughed but then Harry said something I wish he hadn’t.

Zayn’s pov 

We were laughing and joking I couldn’t help but notice that they hadn’t said anything about there parents I was about to ask when Harry spoke up “hey girls where are your parents.” Elektra went silent Roxanna clenched her jaw and her eyes went glassy with tears Elektra noticed this “t-they’re g-gone my parents died a few weeks ago and Rox’s parents died in the crash. We have to go into care” Harry looked at the boys we got up and went over to them and hugged them they were 16 and homeless and they had been through so much “I’m going to the toilet” I lied they nodded and I went to call management. “Hello… yes I know but I need to ask you something… well we met two girls today… no I don’t want to date one of them I want to know if me and one of the other boys could adopt them… I know how big of a responsibility it is and I’m up for it… okay thank you.” I went back to them. The nurse came in “boys visiting time is over I’m sorry but these girls need their beauty sleep. You can come back tomorrow.” We smiled said our goodbyes and left.


“so I spoke to management” the boys groaned “what do they want now. We haven’t done anything wrong have we?” Liam said “no I actually rang them I needed permission from them to do something. So I was actually wondering. Well the girls said they had to go into care and well I want to adopt them but I need to ask one of you guys to be a legal guardian for the other. What do you say?” I looked at Liam hoping he would get the message “ I love the idea Zayn and I’m happy to be a legal guardian to one of the girls why don’t we pick the papers up tomorrow?” we headed home and watched some films. We went to bed kind of early because we had to be awake early tomorrow so that we can get the papers and still get to the girls in time for visiting hours.

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