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Hey guys. So I've been struggling with bullies for a couple years now. And it's been pretty hard but a lot of my friends have been getting bullied as well. So I decided to make this book. First of all, I know that this probably doesn't help that much but I at least want to try.

If you have been struggling with bullying just know that what they say isn't true. If they say "your ugly" know that that isn't true there more than likely just jealous on how beautiful or handsome you are. If they say "your weak" there more than likely just just trying to get a reaction. They think that by breaking down such an amazing person will help them in life. It doesn't. Just know that your beautiful just the way you are and if someone "disagrees" with you then just walk away. Cause if they don't see it then they don't matter to you.

Cyber bullying, this is something that I've also been struggling with, if you've ever been cyber bullied I know how it feels. I want you to know that if your getting cyber bullied or ever have been then just know that there not rave enough to lie to your face. Instead they hide behind a screen. What they say isn't true. Your amazing.

Threats, believe it or not I've gotten those before too. Don't take a threat lightly. Tell someone right away. Threats are serious.

Don't let people control you. I've been in a couple situations where I let people control how I felt, who I hung out with ect. I had let my guard down. Be strong and if you realize this is happening to you then back away from this person. You don't deserve to be treated like that.

Now last but not least. Being bullied about your religion, sexuality or gender. If anyone tries to bully you for any of those or makes rude snarky comments about it just know that who you are is who you are. Don't let people try to change you. Stay true to yourself.

Your beautiful.

I know that this probably didn't help that much but I rlly hope it did. If you need anything or have any question message me.

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