Chapter Nine

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The dreaded day finally comes by. I will spend three days camping with Marina, my friends, and other people I don’t care for. I should be the happiest girl in the world, but instead I'm worried, I know this can backfire for us. Three days pretending not to know each other are going to be more than we, or I can handle. We get to go to school in regular clothes today because we have the camping trip, and since mom's out of town I asked Lorena to sign the permission instead.

She wasn’t very happy about me spending yet more time with Marina, especially after realising she was my teacher. But after what she did to her and to me, I’ve stopped caring about her opinion, and she knows it.

Making her live with Marina for three days in the same house is the best punishment I could’ve found. She hasn’t yet apologised to neither of us, but there’s something in her face when she sees us that tells me she’s at least ashamed of it.

As soon as everybody gets to school we're called by groups to the bus again. I sit next to Amy and look out the window, hoping to see Marina somewhere, when Caroline throws her backpack at us and sighs.

“I cannot believe we're stuck with Diamandis.” She takes the empty seat next to us and I can't help but laughing.


She just shakes her head.“I hate her.”

I know she can't be serious, she hardly ever is.“How can you hate her? If it wasn't for her you would have have failed Biology, that fake A she gave you saved your life” They both stare at me in surprise because they had never told me, little do they know it is because of me.

“How do you know about that?” Asks Amy, clearly shocked.

“I know everything about this school, my dear.” I say before facing the window again.

“Whatever, I still hate her, have you looked at her? She’s damn flawless.” I can't help but laughing and turning bright red.

“She is, indeed... She's perfect.” I know I can't say a word about us but maybe they'll take the hint, that way they're not going to be that surprised when I tell them.

“Somebody's got a crush on Diamandis, your girlfriend's going to get jealous.” Amy says teasingly and looks at Caroline.

“What are you going to do? Tell her? Go ahead.” I smile and they laugh. “She’s been staying with me since my mom left town, just thought I’d mention that.”

“Are you ever going to tell us who she is?” And as the bus starts moving I turn to face them.

“Her name is Marina. We’ve been dating for a few weeks. We’ve spent almost every day together. She’s sweet, wonderful, really fun to be with and she’s beautiful. We’re crazy about each other. That’s all I’m telling you for now.”

“Wait, but you said we knew her, and I don’t know anyone by that name.”

“You think you don’t. Wait until you see her.” I say, blushing. I can’t wait to see their faces when we tell them. I just hope it doesn’t happen sooner than we expect.


When we get to the place each group gets four tents and sleeping bags. That's when I see her, in the back, smiling and talking to the other teachers. She looks like a princess, her black hair waving slightly in the wind, her brown eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Blood rushes through my veins and every cell in my body tells me to run to where she is and kiss her, but I stop myself, it's going to be hard to play strangers for so long, and I think I may not survive.

“You actually have a crush on her.” Caroline laughs behind me, waking me up from my state of daydreaming.

If you only knew. “It's not that.” I say as she grabs my hand and leads me to where the teachers are.

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