Chapter 1: Jennies

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Emma POV:


"Oh come on we've gone this far you can't just give up now."

"I said never. I'm not going to talk to him not now not ever." Replied my oh so daring best friend.

"Yea girl you Dr.Seuss that bïtch." Jasmine laughed by herself drunkenly.

"But I thought you were known as the dare devil of 2017" I laughed.

She sighed "I will do any dare but that one." She stated quietly. Luna glanced out the window to her first love. He had an arm wrapped around the beautiful Daniela. She was no slut like most would think. She's just the nicest flower in our school thus making boys think she's an easy lay.

"Ha! I knew it. I knew she would never do something so "menacing" like talking to her crush since, when was it? Oh right, the fucking 2nd grade!" Yelled Jasmine. We glared at her.

It was true though. Lu had loved Josh since her second year in elementary and had never had the guts to even glance at him back then.

Angelica frowned "Chill it Jass she's just shy and nervous around him."

"Shy and nervous can kiss my flat ass. One of these days you are going to have to confront him and tell him you love him." Jass glared at Lu.

"I don't see why I have to tell him! He's out of almost everyone's league, especially me. And there are probably many people who have had crushes on him and have not told him." Lu looked sadly down at her hands.

We had walked from school during our lunch break to 'Jennies', a diner near the popular Starbucks we detested. Not that I don't love Starbucks but in that particular place I just wish the people in it would happily fall down a flight of stairs. Each day we sit on our table we give a dare to the last one who got to school. I'm the one that usually gets the dares since my lazy ass somehow can't hear the damn alarm. Today though our school severed pancakes for breakfast and so obviously I was here 30 minutes earlier then any of the girls. We started the dares in our first year of high school until now, junior year.

Unfortunately I've known these burnt potatoes on legs for more then three years. Lu and I were best friend in kindergarten then met Jass in first grade later being introduced to Angi by her brother Jake the class idiot in 4th grade. We were stuck to each other like damn gorilla glue from 5th to 10th. Jass even gave our group a shitty gang name like "LEAJ" which I think means a group of demon hunters or some crazy shit she found on the Internet. Although we found it worse then crap on top of more crap we still used it. Even some of the teachers used it when we were called to the office by the principal, which is quite often.

"Yea well no one has had a crush on him as long as you have mate, so DARE." Jess slapped her hand on the table. If another of us liked the idea of the dare then they could slap there hand on the table and yell dare. If everyone slapped there hand on the table then the person absolutely had to proceed to finishing the given dare, no question added.

I slapped my hand in top of Jass's and guilty looking at Luna's betrayed face.


"Don't do it Angi please! I'll give you my dessert for the next two weeks!" Lu glared at Angi. Angi stared nervously at Josh then back at Lu.

"Three weeks?!" Pleaded Lu.

"Sorry love, I've gotta see this." Angi placed her hand guilty on top of mine.


"GAH!" Lu yelled. She stood up and layed on the floor facing the roof.

"If I do this all of you're sorry hell bent asses are treating me to the movies for 3 months!" Luna claimed.

"DEAL!" Stood Jass.

"Ah! Fuck all of you!" Lu stood up and banged the door to Jennies open and marched up to her crush. Each step she took she seems more and more hesitant, but she finally reached Josh. He looked confused and Daniela glared a little but hid it and covered it with a smile. Any shit brain would know that it was as fake as glue-on-nails.

Jass was on top of the table nose pressing against the glass of the window like the rest of us, eager to see what crap confidence Lu can pull out of her ass to talk to Josh.

A miracle happened that day. Josh opened his chapped lips saying, what seemed to be, an awkward hello. Lu stood there for a good 10 seconds until finally replying something. Then spinning a 180 like a damn tango dancer and walking back as if her ass was on fire. She threw the doors open to Jennies catching the attention of many around her. She walked gravely back to our table looking as if she had seen two perfectly shaped burgers get run over.

She threw her head on our table and stayed silent. We watched her quietly until Angi broke the silence.

"What the hell did he say?" She said angrily.

"He said hello" Luna replied sounding as if she was about to burst into tears. We relaxed but Jass looked impatient.

"And what the fuck did you say back!?" Jass practicing threw her hands up in the air with desperation.

"I said bu-bye, like a flipping constipated Teletubby!" She claimed twirling over on her chair like a fish and looking at the sealing.

"Hey! At least you talked to him!" David our waiter replied cheerfully. He placed our receipt down on our table. He had known about Lu's immense crush long ago. He's been serving us for the past two years.

Lu glanced at him "That doesn't really help cure my never ending humiliation David but thanks." David chucked and looked at Jass lovingly.

"So Jasmine we on tomorrow night?" He pleaded.

"Go dig yourself a shitty grave before I dig it for you." She sipped the last of her smoothie and stood. "Alrighty ladies last one to Mrs.Tabolson's is a shriveled ding-a-ling!" She sprinted out leaving David chuckling. Angi tripped over a chair and sprinted towards Luna who was right on Jass's tail.

"Don't worry Dav she'll get hit one day with the realization that you're made for each other." I laughed. He looked down with a smile then back at me.

"A man can dream." He laughed. "You better go before you want to be a...shriveled ding-a-ling."

I laughed right back "Don't worry I've been the shriveled ding-a-ling since the 5th grade." I jogged towards my three best friends in puffs soon realizing why I never had an A in PE.


Was is shit? Sorry I'm just crapping on this story I have no idea what I'm writing its just for fun😂😂 anyway bye camels!


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