Hunter Jacklyn

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(This is Hunters documentary)

Hunter Lisa Jacklyn is another one of Y/N's BEFF's

This is Hunter's life

Parents- Sara Rose Jacklyn and Peter Liam Jacklyn



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Hunter is a hotheaded and outgoing person, she is a feisty competitor and gets what she wants she is loud and speaks her mind! She has anger issues and gets in a lot of fights

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Hunter is a hotheaded and outgoing person, she is a feisty competitor and gets what she wants she is loud and speaks her mind! She has anger issues and gets in a lot of fights

Hunters High School thoughts-

"I think this is stupid, I hate the idea of high school all the people that will be there middle school was dumb I don't think high school will be any better😈😈"

❤️❤️🖤🖤104 Words🖤🖤❤️❤️

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