Dad and Gene

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(Ahh it's the spring break I'm so glad)
(I check to see what time it is, ok 12:15, well I'm going to go downstairs)

"Hey mom!"

"Hello Y/N how did you sleep"

"Not the best"

"Well I have to go to work in 10 minutes, so what do you plan on doing?"

"I'm going to the skatepark with the girls."

"Ok Y/N have a good time!"

(I walk to the skatepark to meet with everyone)

"Hey guys!"

Hunter-"Hey Y/N"

(I grab my skateboard and go around the park)

(Time flys bye and it's time to skate home)


(Ok he will be here any minute)


(I open the door)


"Hello Y/N will be back any minute now."

"Great I can't wait to see my baby girl!"


(I get home and walk into darkness, my mom was covering my eyes)

"Y/N I have a surprise for you"

"What is it mom"

(I hear footsteps come into the room)

(My mom opens my eyes and I see my DAD!)

(I run up and hug him crying)

"Hello Y/N."

"Dad I thought you weren't supposed to be back until 10 years from now"

"I got to come back and now I'm home to stay!"

"Plus I'm not going to miss your 15th birthday!"

(Birthday? Wait it's my birthday Monday!)

"Honey Y/N's friends are coming over, so could you please but up the tent"

"Sure, see you two later"

(I go to my room)


(I hear my phone vibrate it's gene)

(G- Hey do. you wanna hang out??
(Y- Sure! But the girls are coming over so wanna meet at the park?
(G-Sure, love you see ya in 10
(Y- Love you too 💙

(I put down my phone and put on a new outfit)

(I put down my phone and put on a new outfit)

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(I walk to the park and see gene)
"Hey Y/N"

"Hey Gene"

"I have a surprise for you Y/N"

"What is it"

(Gene gets out a box and gives it to me I open it and inside was a locket with a picture of us at prom)

"Happy 5 weeks"

"Gene t-thank you."

(He kisses me)

"Wait there's more!"

(He takes out two concert tickets for Twenty Øne Pilots!!)

(I hug him)

"Gene OMG thank you!"

"No problem, oh and happy birthday!"

"It's in two days but thanks😋"

"Hey could we go too your place Y/N"


(We walk to my house and I remember my dad is home will he approve!)

(We walk in and I see my dad he stairs at Gene)

"Who's this Y/N"

"T-This is G-Gene my B-Boyf-friend."

"H-Hello sir."

(My dad gets closer to gene)

"You seem like a nice kid, but you break my daughters heart, I will get you for it!"


"Good now go upstairs you two!"

(Me and Gene go upstairs)

"So Y/N can we talk about something"

"Yea like what?"

"Well what happened at prom?"


"I get if you don't wanna share but"

"Now it's ok I'll tell you"

"But plz don't tell anyone"

"I swear."

"There is a legend of the ultima werewolf, that is real and the bloodline goes into my family, my mothers side not my dads and so that goes to me so I can turn people into werewolves."


"But that's my life so let's change the subject"


(I check the time then I realize the girls are coming over in five minutes!)

"Uh Gene the girls are coming over soon so I'll see ya later?"

"Yea ok"

(I hear the doorbell ring)

"Y/N your friends are here!"

"K mom"

(The girls come upstairs)

Sparrow-"Hey Y/N do you wanna dye your hair again?"

"Nah I think I'm done dying it for a little while"

Violet-"Hey Y-Y/N"

"Yea Violet"

"Wanna play truth or dare?"

"Sure you guys wanna play?"

(They nod their heads)

💜Word Count💜
🖤Bye my little fireflies🖤

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