Chapter 5: Relax

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"So who was that lady that dropped you off at the plane?" I asked Brendon from the front of the small van. I was in the passenger seat,while Jon drove.

"Yeah Brendon! Who is she?" Jon teased as he made a turn. I was actually curious.

"She's my girlfriend. Sarah. I'm thinking of proposing after this trip." he smiled

"If you can keep it in your pants."Ryan joked. Brendon hit him in the shoulder as he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm sure she'll say yes," I assured smiling at Brendon.

"At least someone's on my side," he said matter-of-factly. "How much longer is it until we get to the arena."

"About ten more minutes." We had been driving on the highway for the past thirty minutes. We talked and I learned a lot more about my partners for the next few months. For example, they all smoke weed and Jon supplies it. Great for them.

For the rest of the car ride, we played the car radio and shouted every time we knew a song. "Oh! My Girl by the Temptations!"I shouted, receiving a ton of groans from the guys.

"No offense, but how do you know all the black songs." Spencer asked.

"None taken, I live in a black apartment building so I hear it a lot on the radio and in restaurants."

"It's real run down, right?" Ryan asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, I have a leaky roof, and I have a nice apartment."

"The government is shit." Brendon said disgustedly. The rest of us nodded in agreement.

"My friend Barbara lives above me and she has a daughter  that's obsessed with you,Ryan."

"The little girl that was at the show with you?"


"Well tell her I appreciate it."

"We're here!" The Weed Man shouted as he looked around for a parking space.

"Finally, my legs were going numb." Brendon complained. Jon parked and Brendon was the first one dispite sitting in the middle of Ryan and Spencer.

"Well, maybe you can workout." Jon said pointing up at an arena on the other side of a hill. I smiled a little at Brendon huffing.

We all began walking up the steep grass in silence."Wait! I need a picture of you guys for the paper. It'll look cool." I walked ahead of them and stood near the top of the hill while the four men were midway up. I pointed my camera and shot.

The image slid out of my camera as Ryan climbed up to get a look at it. "I look great, as usual," he said looking at the picture and laughing,"Just kidding."

I rolled my eyes and headed up the rest of the hill. At the top we could see a large arena that appeared busy. "They have make sure all the equipment is working so the show doesn't go south." Ryan said as I followed him down the hill.

"What if it does go south?" I asked with my notebook in hand.

"The show must go on."

I sat in the front row of the empty arena as Ryan performed, taking photos every now and then. He sang fifteen songs every concert date and it was my job to photograph and write during all of them. The letters and photographs are shipped to the publishers and the paper is made. I can't wait until I get back home.

Brendon plopped down in the seat next to me and looked at the notebook in my lap. "Did you say I'm the best guy you've ever met?"

"Sure..." I laughed.

"Well, you'll never know until you're there." he smiled,"can I read it?"

"Yeah." he took the book and flipped to the first page. It wasn't long before he scoffed and glanced at me. "What is it?"

He cleared his throat and began to read,"'The performer puts his friends first, even taking them on the tour. However his devoted to his craft.'"

"What's wrong with it?" I integrated, snatching my book.

"It sounds so....proper and lavish."

"And that's a bad thing?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Well, kinda. Look, people don't want to read the news when it sounds  like a college textbook. Us guys are going out to a bar tonight. If you come with us maybe you could relax a bit."

I thought for a second,"Okay. A little fun will do us all some good."

Brendon smiled," No work either!"

"Fine, no work." I smirked back. Okay, tonight I get a small get away, perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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