The Old You

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There I was sitting on the swing at my house with my friend Gerry. He was currently crying. His dad left him and his mother. I was hugging him and telling him everything would be okay. He looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and watery eyes.

I smiled down at him "Promise me we will always have each others backs." He smiled and held up his pinky "Promise." He pulled out a necklace from his packet and gave it to me. It was a locket with pictures of me and him in it. I smiled at him "Thank you Gerry!" and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and said "Mom told me to give it to you whenever I thought was a good time. I figured Now was a good time."

(Did Gerry always have her back in the future? Or is it just a broken promise?)

~Present Day~

Jillian's POV

You sat down in the grass away from the field sketching in your notebook. You were a good drawer but not many people knew that only your family.

You were sitting and enjoying yourself until Gerry Bertier came and sat next to you "Hey Jilly Bear what are ya sketching?" I glared at him "Don't call me that! Jill is fine!"

I got up and moved over a bit. He just moved closer to me I just ignored him. The he started pulling my hair. It annoyed me "Bertier would you knock it off!" He looked at me "I was just keeping you company!" I glared "Why don't you keep Emma company and stop irritating me?!"

I got up and walked away to where Sheryl was standing. If you wondering who Emma was she's Gerry's girlfriend. She hated me a lot! That made me dislike him even more! I think he picked up a few of her traits and they weren't good ones!

Gerry came walking up to me and Sheryl smiling. Oh I wish I could wiped that grin off his face!

Alan came running down yelling something about the shooting that happened. The boys ran and my dad gave me a look and yelled "Take Sheryl to my office!" He yelled and ran to his truck. I walked to his office but sat out in the hall with Sheryl waiting for my dad to come back.

When he got back he had Ray, Alan, and Gerry with him. Ray and Gerry were pissed and Alan just kept to himself. Ray and Alan looked at me. Alan smiled Ray nodded. Gerry just walked past me and bumped into me harshly.

Just hearing this you would think the man just had major mood swings! No! He just treated me like trash when his friends were around. When we were alone or with our parents he was different.

I ran up to him with Sheryl. "What happened coach?" I asked my father he shook his head "Nothing." I nodded knowing he didn't want to talk right now.

Coach Tyrell spoke to Gerry "Son your hearts in the right place but you know better than to embarrass the coach like that." Gerry replied walking into my father's office "You might as well kick them all off the team I don't want to play with any of those black animals."
I scowled "Gerry!" He glared "Not now Jill! I see em!" There was a black man standing next to my father's desk.

When my dad heard the man name "Boone" say he was the new assistant coach my dad looked at Sheryl and I. He said "Girls why don't you go out in the hall." I groaned but followed his orders. Sheryl and I sat in the hall. I was upset "I hate how he always lets the boys do stuff and not us!" Sheryl nodded in agreement.

When Boone walked out of the office I smiled "Have a nice day, Sir." He smiled back "You too---?" I looked up at him "Jillian Yoast." He nodded and walked off.

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