Living On

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Jill's POV

I heard a car pull up outside. I looked at my dad eating breakfast across the table "Who's that?" He smiled "Why don't ya go see?"

I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. It was Gerry! I leaped in his arms and he spun me around laughing. I giggled "Not to sound rude but why are you here?" He smiled "Im take'n ya to school."

I was about to say something but Sheryl walked down the stairs. She saw Gerry and walked over. She smacked him on the butt "How ya do'n Bertier!"

I fell on the floor laughing. Gerry just shook his head and looked at Sheryl "I'm doing good." He helped me up off the floor I just laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist.

The school day went by fast. Now it was game time! I sat next to Mrs.B with Sheryl. Before the game started I ran to the locker room.

Before the boys walked out of the tunnel I ran over to Gerry and said "Good Luck!" He smiled and hugged me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran back to my seat.

The boys won and Gerry did great! After the game I ran over to him and hugged him. I smiled up at him "You did so good!" He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I smiled but then I heard Sheryl yell for me to got to my dad's office.

I groaned and looked at Gerry "I have to go but I'll see ya soon!" I gave him a kiss on the forehead and left.

Minutes later I heard yelling outside. Alan ran into my dad's office and yelled "Gerry just got in a car accident!"

My heart stopped when I heard what Alan said. I ran as fast as I could and saw an ambulance take Gerry away. I turned and saw his smashed Camaro.

My dad walked out and said he would take me to the hospital to see him. We waited in the waiting room for a long time. By now the whole team was here.

Julius just showed up and they brought him back to Gerry's room. Right now me and Mrs.B are hugging each other and crying.

Then I saw Julius walk back out and say "Jill he wants to see you next." I nodded and gave Mrs.B one last hug and ran to Gerry's room.

When I walked in I saw him and started to cry. He saw me "No Jill don't cry. Come here." He opened his arms and I walked over to him.

He pulled me onto the bed with him. I laid there crying while he held me to his chest. He pulled me back and wiped the tears off my face.

I smiled up at him. I grazed my fingers over the scratches on his face. I smiled up at him "How is my handsome best friend doing?" He looked at me and said "How do I look handsome? My face is all banged up." I smiled "You always look good." He laughed "Thank you."

I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine and smiled. He started to speak "Hey, Jill umm.... I was meaning to ask you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I nodded and smiled from ear to ear. We were about to kiss but Mrs.B walked in and scared us. I jumped out of Gerry's arms and fell onto the floor.

Gerry bursted out laughing. He said "Jill get up!" through laughs. I got back up and laid beside him.

Mrs.B groaned "I can't believe I interrupted it!" Gerry and I laughed. Gerry smiled "Mom! Jill agreed to be my girlfriend!"

Mrs.B's face lit up and she started yelling "Yoast you owe me 50 bucks! Pay up!" My dad came in and groaned "Here" and payed her.

I spent the whole night and next day with Gerry. My dad didn't make me go to school. Instead of going to the game I watched it with Gerry.

When we won Gerry and I started screaming. I turned to him and smiled "You guys won!" He smiled and his eyes flickered to my lips.

We both leaned in. Our lips met and moved in perfect sync. He cupped my cheeks with his hands deepening the kiss. It was sweet and then started to get ruffer.

When we pulled away we both had huge grins on our face. After that I kept on pecking his lip. He whined "Really Jill!"

I laughed and nodded. I kissed his nose and he smiled. He kissed me on the lips again and again.

I later my head on his chest. I looked up at him "Gerry I love you!" He smiled and said "I love you too Jill!"

When the team got to Gerry's room we were in the middle of kissing. Mrs.B took a picture. When we heard the click of the camera we broke apart and turned.

There we saw the whole team standing there with huge grins on there faces. They all started to whistle. Gerry and I just shook our heads.

Mrs.B smiled "I'll get that one developed and y'all can keep it." Gerry and I smiled. I looked at Mrs.B "May I see the picture?"

She nodded and handed me the camera. I looked through all the new pictures she took of Gerry and I. I smiled most of them I didn't know she was there for. But I was thankful she captured all the best moments.

Like before the game when I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. Also after the game. She had ones from when I was in the hospital and Gerry was holding my hand. She had so much more.

I gave her back the camera and said "Thank you!" She nodded and smiled at both of us.

Julius walked up to Gerry "I guess you didn't only win for football. You won over the love of your life." Gerry nodded and smiled at me.

That night when everyone left Mrs.B and I took Gerry home. I slept over and helped Gerry around the house.

The car accident paralyzed him from the waist down. He had to sit in a wheel chair.

~10 years later~

Jill and Gerry got married and currently have 3 children Gerry jr., Dustin, and Evony.

Today is the day of their funeral. They died together in a car accident. They were found in the car holding hands.

They died together and were buried together. They maybe gone but their spirits live on.

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