Kicked out And Lost

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I woke at 6am, It was a normal day.
Wake up
Come home
Then dinner with the family
But today was one of the monthly days I got kicked out of the house. Usually it was because of my schooling but today I did something I regret. I told my family that I was Bisexual. This is along the lines of the conversation.

We were sitting at the table 5 minutes into dinner, we were eating fish and chip, I was slowly gaining the courage to share my news. I was so nervous since I knew my family were strongly against being a little gay or fully gay. Guys have to be with girls, that's how they work. I cleared my throat "M-mom... D-Dad.., I have something to share.." I said my breath shaky. "What is it Daniel?" They said at the same time making me more nervous.

"I'm... I'm Bisexual.." I said and looked up at them. I could see the disappointment in their eyes. I looked at my food. My father stood up and slowly made his way over making my heart race, he grabs my arm and I quickly stood up as he brought me to my room.

"Pack your stuff and get out of my house! I never want to see you in this neighborhood!" His voice was sharp and I could feel the judgement and the heart break was to much. I swore to never tell anyone about my sexuality. I packed my bag and grabbed my phone storming out of the house holding back my tears.
That's where I am now, Sitting in the pouring rain in downtown Manchester at 10pm figuring out what to do now. I'd never be able to go back home.

It was a normal day of
Wake up
Then work.
I worked from 4pm to 2:30am, I work at the pub in downtown Manchester. At 10:20pm I had small break so I went outside for some air to see a cute brown haired guy sitting in the rain by himself, he looks 19. I was about to go talk to him but I was pulled back into pub. I had another break and another just watching this poor guy being soaked in the rain and every time I went to talk to him I was dragged back inside.

"What are you looking at a Phil!" My friend Chris ask. "Nothing! Just looking around" I answered grabbing a tray with orders for the customers. "That's not what I see..., who's the guy your staring at? Is he your boyfriend?"Chris asked with a smug look on his face. "Chris don't joke about that now get to work.." I said and I went to work. For the next hour and a half I worked my butt off also getting my butt grabbed quite to many times for my liking.

After my shift I left and the guy was still there. Sad, cold, and alone. I walked over to him and he looks up at me, tears daring to fall. "Wow he's cuter up close..., Phil stop, you don't even know him." I thought to myself. "Please I don't have any money..." he said with a shaky breath.

"I'm don't want your money, why are you out here in the rain?" I said and he just looked at me then down at his soaked shoes. "I was kicked out of my family's house and haven't found a place to stay yet." He was about to cry and I had no idea what to do.

"Why the fuck would I share that?!" I thought to myself. The stranger just stared at me and I felt tears roll down my cheeks then I was in a tight hug. "Do you wanna come stay at my place?" The stranger offered, without even thinking I nodded getting up as he let me go. I picked up my backpack and started following him.

"So what's your name?" I asked him and he looks at me then answered with "I'm Phillip Michael Lester but please call me Phil." he said softly. "I'm Daniel James Howell but call me Dan, it's nice to meet you." I shook his hand.

"Phil... what a cute name" I thought and smiled to myself but Phil must have noticed. "You seem happier" he said with a smile then I replied with "yeah I'm happy because I'm not sleeping on the street" he nodded with a cute smile.

We soon got to his house we talked for a bit on the way and I found out he's 21, and he's going to college. He's really cool and so nice. He showed me to my room which was the living room for now. When I first saw him I knew he looked familiar that's because he's my idol "AmazingPhil". He said I get to use his recording room once he cleaned it. I soon went to bed dream sweet dreams.

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