Chapter 1

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"What?! The new episode of Attack On Titan is about to come on and you're making us stay after school to clean the class?!" I exclaimed. Our teacher was making, actually, FORCING us to stay back and clean our class.

"Yes. We're getting tons of new students tomorrow and we need to make sure our class is nice and clean. I'm pretty sure you can watch Attacking Titans later." Said Ms. Barr as she was assigning everyone a different job.

"Attacking Titans..." I mumbled. "Its Attack On Titan." I sighed and picked up the wet cloth and started cleaning the desk. "" I kept mumbling while cleaning. This really blows.

After what seemed like 5 hours of cleaning, we were finally done. "Alright, thanks to everyone who stayed back to help clean. I'll be giving extra credit to those who helped." She picked up her bag and left the classroom.

"Yes! I really deserved and needed those extra points. My grade will probably go from a C to a B-." Maddie said as she took her hair out of her bun and let her long, brown curls drop. "If my dad sees, he'll probably buy me new shoes!"
"Yes Maddie! Then we can go to that party next week!!" Maddie's best friend, Crystal, grabbed onto her and started walking out too. Soon everyone left and I was all alone. Just like always. "I hope one of the new kids will be my friend...because damn, I'm one lonely child." I let out a laugh and closed the door. Time for home.

I started walking, actually, I started running home. I check my phone. 7:43. If I run a little bit faster, I can probably make it for my show. I plug in my headphones and started listening to The Oral Cigarettes. "KURUTTE HEY KIDS!!!" I'm basically screaming the lyrics. Why? Because this song is so damn good. I finally arrived at my front steps and unlock my door. "Hey mom, bye mom!" I ran upstairs and started watching my show. After it was done, I was left in shock. "Oh. My. Gosh. DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN?!"

"Kai are you ok?!" My mom screamed from downstairs. I forgot I wasn't home alone. "Mentally? No. Physically? Yes." I go downstairs. "You know, just my anime stuff." I pick up an apple and bit into it.

"Oh that Chinese crap, ok wel-"

I rub my forehead and sighed loudly. "Ma, for the millionth time, it's not Chinese and it's not crap! Anime it's amazing! The wri-." My mom just picked up her phone and walked away. "You should watch it with me one day!" I screamed across the room.

"Hell no!!" She screamed back.

I giggled and took the apple upstairs with a bottle of water. I can't believe they ended the episode like that. I go on instagram and look up the hashtag 'aot'. I see everyone else freaking out and making up theories. 8:30. Why is it still early? I spend the rest of the night catching up on episodes and reading manga.

RING. RING. RING. I roll over a turn off my alarm. "Ugh, school." I rub my eyes and slowly get out of bed. 6:40. I hate waking up early especially for school. I hop in the shower and wash my hair. When I step out the bathroom my brother is there waiting for me to get out.
"Do you always have to take long showers? And you wonder why you're always late." He push me aside, slam the door and locked it. "Do you always have to take long showers?" I mimic. I started getting dress. White crop top with overall shorts. Cute. I look in the mirror. I look at the clock. Almost 8. I quickly tie my hair in a ponytail, grab my phone and bag and rush downstairs. "Good morning mom." I kiss her on the cheek and picked up the bagel she was eating then took a bite of it. "Morning, why are you always late?"

"I would say it's because she's texting her boyfriend but she doesn't even have friends." My brother, Caleb, says as he drinks his apple juice.

I couldn't even say anything back because my mother already beat me to it. "Oh hush your mouth Caleb. She doesn't need friends if she has you."

"Ew!" He spits out his drink. "I rather DIE than have her as my friend. I already have her as a sister and that's bad enough." Wow. What an amazing brother I have. "It's fine, I don't need friends or a brother." I throw the bagel at him and rush out the door. Mother usually drops me off but I can't be in the same car with Caleb at the moment. I reach the school at 9:10. Late like always. I enter the main office to get a late pass. The elder lady at the desk looks up at me and sighs. She writes a late pass and hands it to me. I take it and hurry upstairs to my class. I don't think there was a time where I was actually on time for school. When I entered the class I feel eyes on me. More than usual. I had forgotten we were getting new kids today and I look a mess. "Um." I froze in place but then remembered the pass. "Here's my lat-." Before I even finish my statement Ms. Barr took the pass and smiled. "Take a seat you late bean." I smiled back and went to my seat. "We were just about to introducing ourselves to the new students. Since you're late, you can start." She sat down at her desk and everyone turned to stare at me. I can feel myself getting red. "Wha? Why do I go first? What do I even say?" 

"Ugh, you're such a little baby. I'll go Ms. Barr." Maddie stands up. "Well my name is Maddie and as you can see-" She spins around and smiles. "-I'm really pretty. I love pretty little liars and makeup. My favorite school subject is English and I know how to play the piano. If you want to be my friend, you must like one of those things. That's it." She sits back down and stares at me with a smirk. "Your turn." 

"Uh, ok I guess." I stand up and I can hear my heartbeat getting louder. "My name is Kai." I quickly sat back down. "Really? That's it? Of course that's it. You're boring and all you do is be sad because you have no frie-" 

"Maddie! That's enough." Ms. Barr interrupted. Everyone started snickering. "Anyone else want to go?" I slump down in my chair and tried to ignore Maddie's statements. "You have no friends." It kept replaying in my head. I hate those words. I really hate those stupid words.

Hey! Soooo I decided I wanted to do a story anime based. Why? Because I love anime. So I felt like this would be an easy story to do. EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY !! Tell my what you think because opinions matter!

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