Chapter 3

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We started walking. So much silence. "Sorry for getting you in trouble Caleb." I look over to him. Nothing. No expression. "Caleb?" "I heard you." He starts walking faster so I try to catch up to him. He quickly turns around and pushes me so hard that I fall over. "Caleb what the hell?" "Listen." He scolds at me, "I don't want you to walk with me so start walking slower. I don't know why you skip and I really don't care but if you're going to do it, make sure I don't get in trouble." He kept looking at me to making sure that I understood what he said and then he walked away.

"Stupid brother." I mumbled while getting up. He was already down the block. I decided to take another way to school. A shortcut I found a while ago. I start walking and then I see someone walk out a house. "HEY! KAI!" I automatically knew who it was and I turn around. "Kai, you're going the wrong way haha." God he's so annoying. I turn back around. "Hey Karl." I managed to force a smile. "I didn't know you live around here."

"Yeah I do. Didn't know you did either." He sits on his steps and starts tying his shoe. "Would you like a ride to school?" 

"My mom said don't accept rides from strangers."

He looks up at me with his brown eyes. So pretty. "Oh come on, it's not like my Mom's going to kidnap you." I think about it for a while. I actually won't be late if I get this ride. "Ok." His mom walks out and sees me. "Hello! Are you one of Karl's classmates?" "Yes." Karl stands up and faces his mom. "Can she get a ride to school?" "Of course! Let's go." We all walk to her Ford Escape and get in. It smells like flowers in here and it's so clean. "So, what's your name?" "Uh, It's Kai." I force another smile. It's probably obvious too. "What a cute name. And it begins with K. Just like Karl." We were silent for a while until Karl put on some music. After about 2 songs had played we arrived at the school. "Thank you." I get out and close the door. I turn around and see Caleb just now arriving at the school gates. We make eye contact and he looks really pissed. I turn and start walking in with Karl. 

RING RING RING!! That was the first bell. I can't believe it. I'm actually on time for school. When I walk in the class with Karl everyone seems so surprised. "Wow Ms. Quinn. You're actually on time." She praised me while writing on her board. "So proud of you." I hear someone snorted. I ignored it because I can tell it was Maddie. I go to my seat and Karl follows. 

"Hey...Uh, Karl." I look up and see a tall guy with hazel eyes and blonde hair. He's pretty fricking hot. "Oh hey Logan." He's been here for a day and he basically already has friends. I need to take notes. I tune them out and start doodling on my notebook. I tried to draw the Fairy Tail symbol but I forgot how it looked. It was a long day. A very long day. Only because I actually stayed the whole day and I don't have my phone. 2:29. Literally one more minute till we leave. I start packing quickly because I don't want to end up walking with Karl again. The bell rings and I rush outside. Mother told Caleb to wait for me outside but i'm 99% sure that he didn't. I must've been so focused on getting away from Karl that I didn't even see someone standing in front of me. I bump into them and move back a couple of steps. 

"Oww." I rub my head and look up. "Woah, are you okay?" They looked really concerned. And hot. "Yeah, i'm sorry." I try to walk past them but they grabbed my arm and spin me around. "Hey I seen you before. You're Caleb's sister right?" I start panicking. Why? Because Caleb doesn't want to be associated with me. Do I lie or do I tell the truth? "Yes, I am.." "Woah." His eyes widen and stares at my body. "You're pretty hot." "Um, Thanks?" I tried to yank my hand away but his grip is really strong. "Wait, I just want to talk." "Well sorry I have to go home." What else could I say to get this creep off of me? "I'm on punishment and I have to get home now." I yank my hand away again and he lets go. 

I rush outside and when I walked out I surprisingly saw Caleb standing there waiting for me. I walked up and he starts walking away. I forgot, he doesn't want to be seen with me. I couldn't take the shortcut because Caleb kept turning around to make sure I was behind him. I'm guessing he'll get in trouble if I go missing or something. When we arrived at the door he turned and looked at me. "Where did you go this morning?" 

"To class?"

That comment must've pissed him off. "No duh smart ass! Who's car did you come out of today?!"

"It was someone from my class. What's the problem?" 

"The problem is that if you were to get kidnapped or whatever I would be in trouble for not watching your little dumb ass!" I stood frozen. I couldn't move at all or talk. He's right. I barely knew Karl and I went into the car with him. "I-I'm sorry." I apologized. 

He just stood there for what felt like hours and then opened the door and went inside. I still couldn't moved. I'm just in so much shock. I managed to move. I went upstairs and changed. I start working on homework. I actually don't recall the last time I did homework. I always leave before the teacher handed it to us. I finished homework around 3:40. "God it's so boring without a phone. How you take the phone away but not the computer or tv? ARGGG!" I picked up a pillow and covered my face and continued screaming. I'm so frustrated right now. I picked up the house phone and dialed mother's number.


"Hey mom. I finished my homework. Can I go for a walk? I won't be gone for long."



"Make sure you get back before i'm there. And tell Caleb where you're going."

"Ok I will! Bye."

I hung up and quickly put on some joggers with a random shirt. "CALEB I'M GOING FOR A WALK AND MA SAID IT WAS OK!" I hurry and rush out before he starts complaining. I start walking the way to school. I'm not actually going to school. I walk through the shortcut and stop at Karl's house. I walk up to the stairs and ring the bell. "Oh gosh i'm actually doing this." I hear the door unlock and then it opens. "Kai?"



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