Chapter 20

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The idea for a Mick POV was given to me by iibriii  so this is for you!


Mick POV
The morning was eventful with Lexi trying everything she could think of to get me to tell her more about the situation.

I dodged most of her shots but the ones I couldn't really dodge I pushed away. She knows me well but I know her better. The girl is definitely a pain in my ass but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Usually anyone who pains me like she does I'd burn to a crisp or punch repeatedly. That alone should say enough.

When I was finally able to break away from Lexi I headed straight for the wave rider. I figured everyone else including Barry and Cisco were already there.

"It's about damn time." Sara chided me as soon as I entered the main deck.

"Yea, you try dodging Lexi and tell me how well it works for you." I grumbled as I went for my seat next to Snart.

"He actually has a point. My sister can be very stubborn when she doesn't get her way." Nate spoke up from his seat at the other end of the room.

"You didn't tell her anything did you?" Barry asked leaning forward to look at me from the other side of Snart.

I sent him my "ask another question and I'll break you in half" look which shut him up quickly.

I might not be the brightest bulb in our little crew but I'm certainly not a complete idiot. I know how to handle the missions even if it means dealing with the stubborn, sassy mouthed girl I get to call mine.

Don't take that as me not enjoying her stubbornness or sassy mouth. I actually enjoy it. A woman who isn't afraid to stand toe to toe with me and tell me exactly what she thinks and how she feels is the sexiest thing I have ever witnessed.

She's intriguing and infuriating all at the same time. She's the kind of woman I wouldn't mind to spend the rest of my life with. That is a big deal for me too cause I never pictured myself as a family man. For Lexi, I'd be a husband and a father if that's what she wanted with her life. Now I'd never admit that to anyone but her but that doesn't change the fact that I would do it.

I have an image to uphold. I can't let this team look at me as a teddy bear. They need to look at me as a scary maniac who will scorch them without a second thought.

But when I'm lying with Lexi and she is pressed against me with my arms holding her tightly to me I couldn't feel more like myself then in those moments.

"Get ready for the time jump." Sara ordered as she took her seat in the captain's chair.

"Gideon" Sara said aloud to the AI.

"Preparing for time jump" the British voiced AI spoke right before Sara launched us into the temporal zone.

I closed my eyes to keep myself at ease. I've gotten use to this but I still feel a little queasy every time we travel like this. No time will ever be as bad as the first time I went threw a fucking time jump.

"Everybody good?" Sara asked once the ship landed and cloaked itself.

There was only lone murmurs from everyone saying yes to her question.

"Okay, now we need to find Lexi." Nate said standing up and stretching.

"No need I'm right here." The 35 year old Lexi came walking onto the main deck like she owned the place.

"Imagine that" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Watch it big guy" she warned pointing her finger at me.

I held my hands up in surrender causing her to smile softly at me. Even in 10 years she is still just as gorgeous. She held herself with a lot more pride and confidence in the future.

"Wow, you don't look different at all." Barry beamed his pearly whites at her.

"Aw, thank you Barry." She smiled and placed her hand on her chest like she was incredibly touched by his statement.

She knew she didn't look any different. The woman aged like a fine wine. If I drank wine. But I don't mind to have a glass or two of her. Well, maybe I'll down the whole bottle but only because it's Lexi.

"What the hell is he doing here?" She questioned Sara harshly while pointing to Barry.

"Wait.. what?" Barry asked clearly confused.

"Don't take that the wrong way Barry. I adore you but if the Barry from this time sees you he will freak. He probably already knows and is preparing the lecture now." Lexi explained.

The echoing footsteps from the hall leading up to the main deck told us all that future Barry probably already knew.

Yep, he's pissed. I can tell just from his expression.

"Lexi, I told you what legends could help. I did not say bring little baby Allen with you too." The older Barry's voice was a little deeper.

He looked more threatening than younger Barry too. I mean he didn't scare me in the slightest but to others he would look and sound more threatening.

"This is trippy. Little baby Allen?" Younger Barry gave older Barry a sideways look.

Older Barry sighed moving his gaze to Snart.

"Keep him in check" was all he said before heading straight to Sara.

"What are we up against?" Sara asked once older Barry was standing in front of her.

"There's a time anomaly here and it's after Lexi. We don't know how it's here and we don't know why. All we know is we need all hands on deck to take it down." Older Barry informed us.

"Could it be because Lexi traveled back in time with us?" I asked covering what I could think of.

"No, this anomaly was made here and now. Someone else is trying to kill Lexi." Older Barry's words rang in my ears.

You bet your ass I'm going to keep what ever this is from killing Lexi. I will personally see to it that she lives more than 35 years.

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