The House....

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****sorry to keep yall waiting but here it goes****

    They drove to the house. The house had creepy, gray clouds around it. Max said," you guys ready?" They all looked at the house as if they were not scared. They swallowed their spit as they were feared of the house.

    They all exit the car in fear. The house was red and brown. It had cobwebs and dusty vines around the sides. The four teens walked to the front porch. Kelly knocked three times on the door," Hello, hello, anyone here?" A ghost figure shows up on the window. Marshall noticed the ghost. The ghost quickly disappears. Max, Katy, and Kelly start to walk in the house. Marshall runs to catch up with them. Max said," Let's split up. Marshall you're with Kelly. Katy, you're with me. You guys check upstairs, we'll check down here." Max handed Marshall the walkie-talkie and gave Kelly the flashlight. Marshall and Kelly went up the stairs slowly, expecting something to happen.

    Then, the air feels heavy and thick. Marshall said," Did you feel that?" Kelly looked at Marshall as if he was crazy," NO, I didn't feel anything." They finally get up the stairs. Marshall said," You go down that hall, I'll go down this one. Yell if you see anything." Marshall and Kelly start to separate.

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