Chapter 3 ~ Mr.Bad Boy Himself

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Chapter 3 ~ Mr. Bad boy Himself Wyatt's POV

"Hey man lets go. You know Mr. Dubious is strict about us being late." Jason said.

Jason is one of my best dudes. Jason is a goody two-shoes though which sorta hurts my reputation but if I didn't have a good role model in my life where would I be? I've know Jason since diaper days. Our moms were best friends before my parents became so invested in their jobs.

It's like they forgot that they had a son. I'm not saying that them not being there for me would've changed me but it would've had a great impact. So screw them for not being there for me when I needed them. That's why I'm so thankful for our maid/cook Maggie. Maggie practically raised me as if I were her own.

From the time I was six it's always been Maggie. Maggie tucking me in, Maggie cooking my dinner, taking me to my games, bathing me, you get the picture. My parents left the equation years ago and quite frankly I'm fucking glad.


The late bell interrupted my thoughts. dang I'm late. I'll just meet them outside of Mrs.Jackson's class. I thought to myself. I slowly walked down the hall, took a left, walked a little more, took a right and ended up in front of her door. I got there just in time because our class was lined up outside all ready. Jason was motioning me too move in front of him.

I quickly did just that and pretended to join in with the class as if I was already there. Of course Mr. Dubious couldn't leave well-enough alone and had too come ask.

"Mr. Fisher, I do not remember seeing you in this line when the bell rang. And now, here you are. Care to explain ?" Mr. Dubious said firmly.

"How can you not have seen me? Your glasses are big as hell. Like your gut." I said patting his beer belly and shooting him a big smile.

"Well, since you wanna make jokes how about you tell me some more later on. In detention today after school." He said looking me deep into the eyes.

I didn't even care. Detentions were turning into a hobby for me so why not add one more to my list. The only thing I was worried about was going into Mrs Jackson's class shooting a smirk klondike's way. For some reason I can't get Klondike off my mind. Cause your falling for her I thought to myself but that couldn't be true. She's a lesbian. Plus I have tons of babes lined up to be with me. Why settle for one when I have plenty?

We walked in and I shot Klondike a small smirk which made her blush even though she tried desperately to hide it by rolling her eyes. It was cute the way she blushed at my smirk. Here I go with these thoughts again. Anyways while Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Dubious were going on and on about our assignment, I kept sneaking small glances at Lina. Wait, did I just call her Lina? These thoughts are getting weirder by the second.

I figured I'd go stand in the back of the class next cto the bulletin so I could see Lina's face when t saw my name partnered with hers.

"...Ok now class you and your partners have already been chosen and are hanging on the bulletin in the back. Projects are due by April 30th. You may begin." Mrs. Jackson said as her and Mr. Dubious made their way to the desk."

As Lina made her way too the bulletin board I could see her face in shock. So I decided is whisper in her ear exposing her weakness.

"Told you I'd see you in science sweetheart." I whispered in her ear while cutting in between her and Beija's conversation and hovering over her. She blushed just as I thought. I had to admit to myself that she honestly didn't look half bad. She had an incredible body and I would bet she's still a virgin. Her beautiful green eyes looking so deep into mines.

"I know your weakness now sweetheart." I said with a smirk.

"What weakness?" She said trying to keep a straight face.

"Your attracted too me." I said looking deep into her eyes as a smirk made it's way onto my face.

"Are you sure about that babe?" She said mockingly.

"Positive" I said as I placed a small kiss on her cheek as I walked away. I wanted so bad to kiss her on the lips. I don't know why. She quickly walked over to our table, before She could even say anything I beat her too it.

"So sweetheart, how about you come over my house tonight so you could work on our project." I said with a smirk.

"If I'm gonna come over better believe I'm not doing this project by myself." She said with a bark.

"Well Klondike looks like our time together has come to an end, but I'll be seeing you later tonight. Meet me after school so I can give you a ride to my place." I said as I left for my next class. Forgetting that I had after school detention with Mr. Dubious. But hey, I'm Mr. Badass right? So I'll skip...

Soooo guys what do you think of Wyatt😏? Lol what do you think of his ego😂? You think he actually has feelings for Lina😁? Comment😝Vote👌 ~PerfectlyNelle

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