Chapter 2 ~ Sweetheart

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Chapter 2 ~ Sweetheart

I shut my locker and make my way to science with Mrs. Jackson. When I get there I take a seat next to Beija as Mrs.Jackson is telling us that we are going to be doing a major project with Mr. Dubious' class. When she said that my jaw dropped to the floor. Before I can even begin to swallow that down, Mr. Dubious and his class walk in. As they walk in I can see Wyatt's smirk turn into a smile.

"Ok class, now you guys will be partnering up with someone from my class and you guys will be doing a project on one of the things you have learned so far this year." Mr. Dubious said aloud.

"This project will be worth forty percent of your over all grade. You are too make a slideshow or PowerPoint, have a display, two seperately typed essays 3 pages minimum and more than 3 sources of information in your bibliography." Mrs. Jackson said.

Did she really just say forty percent? 3 pages, bibliography, display? Please lord let me get a good partner who will not call me Klondike every 5 minutes and will actually help me do the work. Pretty please with a cherry on top!

Ok now class you and your partners have already been chosen and are hanging on the bulletin in the back. Projects are due by April 30th. You may begin." Mrs. Jackson said as her and Mr. Dubious made their way to the desk.

I went to the back of the class to the bulletin found my name and scrolled across to Wyatt Fisher.

"Who'd you get Lina?" Beija asked in a bad mood.

"Wyatt fisher.." I replied with a sigh.

"Hey at least your partners hot! I got stuck with queen b herself!" She said.

"No!" I gasped.

"Yes! Jessica miller." She said.

"Told you I'd see you in science sweetheart." he whispered in my ear while cutting in between me and Beija and hovering over me. I couldn't help but blush at the way we were standing. He looked like a holister model. His white blouse unbuttoned some to where you can see his chest and his hair combed over soo perfectly, and his eyes, they were staring right back at mine.

"I know your weakness now sweetheart." he said with a smirk.

Dang it! I thought to myself. He saw me blush. He knows I'm attracted to him.

"What weakness?" I said trying to keep a straight face.

"Your attracted too me." He said looking deep into my eyes as that smirk appeared on his face.

"Are you sure about that babe?" I said mockingly but also trying to keep a straight face.

"Positive" He said as he placed a small kiss on my cheek and the he walked away. I felt butterfly's grow in my stomach. Lots of them. But then I soon realized that I had to calm down. I didn't want him to know that I liked it. I quickly walked over to my desk, Wyatt sitting on the other side and before I could even say anything he beat me too it.

"So sweetheart, how about you come over my house tonight so you could work on our project." he said with a smirk.

"If I'm gonna come over better believe I'm not doing this project by myself." I said with a bark.


That was the bell which meant only two more periods till the days over. Thank god!

"Well Klondike looks like our time together has come to an end, but I'll be seeing you later tonight. Meet me after school so I can give you a ride to my place." and with that he was gone.

I pulled out my phone so I could text my dad and let him know that I was going to a friends house for a project. Of course he just replied with and ok which was the usual for him. Now I was off to my fifth period and that class wasn't usually so bad because I had Beija in it. Hopefully she's there so that the rest of my day will go by smoothly cause quite frankly, I don't see how my day could get any worse...

Sooo what do you guys think of Wyatt? Do you think he likes Lina? Or do you think Mr.badboy is up too no good 😏 find out next. Next chapter will be in Wyatt's point of view. /.\ ~PerfectlyNelle

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