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Me: You wouldn't mind being a cop aye??
Daiki: ....
Me: ...
Daiki: *begins to sweat* ....
Me: Excuse me officer~
Daiki: NO
Me: Are you a ticket? Cause you got FINNEE written ALL over you offither~
Daiki: shut up!
Me: You can cuff and arrest me anytime, offitherrr~

9. Attempt 1: Arguemnts, Questions, Reasons

"I'm freaking out!" Nishiko happily yelled barely containing her excitement. Her hands moved animatedly in the air, basically fangirling at the new piece of information that had been told.

"You guys need a TV show! Keeping up with [Name] and Daiki!" She clapped, you grinned at the funny idea.

"Okay, I have five attempts and about six months till high school ends. I need to start ASAP! But I have no idea what I'm going to do." You bowed your head glumly. Nishiko began to get up, her hair flicking back.

"You'll think of something [name]! I can't help you on this, this is your effort. Let's see what you can do!" Nishiko yelled, fake tears falling from her eyes. As much as you protested that she stay and help, Nishiko did no such thing and you knew it was for the better.

As she stood at the door of your house, she turned around and looked you dead in the eyes. Her light brown orbs piercing your own. "[Name], just know, Daiki is a good guy. It doesn't seem like it, but he is. He's not what he thinks he is, he's not what other people think he is." She smiled, and left. Her words made sense to you, but you wondered if they were appropriate for the moment.

Shrugging, off you went to your room. The planning for the battle of one's attention beginning.


It had been a couple hours that you had been planning and you came up with nothing. You'd been planning date ideas, reading and watching romantic comedies for "research," and fantasising. But you still gained nothing. As you lay on your bed, you had realised that the reason you weren't getting anywhere was because you actually didn't know Aomine enough when it came to this stuff.

You guys were close and yet you didn't know too much about the guy when it came to love. You knew his personality, you could almost read his thoughts—mostly because he was always thinking about boobs. But even though you knew him personality wise, so much of Aomine was still in the dark, was still in mystery. You knew you had to do research, and who knew Aomine more than Aomine himself?

Laying on your get you sped dialled Aomine's number and after two attempts he finally picked up. "Come over to my house." You more demanded than questioned. Waiting had made you sour.

Aomine's drained voice grumbled as he sighed. "Can't be bothere-"

Snapping from his lack of effort and empathy you began to yell, the conversation already getting heated. "You agreed to the deal, therefore you come Ahomine!"

As if he was shifting from a laying down position his voice arose and became more clear. "Huh? Is that how you speak to someone you're asking a favour from!"

This baka! He just loved to pick fights didn't he? A vein appeared on your forehead as your free hand fisted. "You have 20 minutes, if you're not here I'll come to yours—with a sledgehammer." You went to cut the phone to give off that you really meant business but his voice beat you to it.

Getting His Attention | Aomine Daiki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now