April 4, 2084

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April 4, 2084 

This is what happens when you read 1984 and watch world war z with peter capaldi you can't help but think what if he and Jenna Coleman were the stars instead anyways this movie style fanfic hope you like it

Chapter 1:
April 4 2084

John W. Smith began to write in his diary he did not know the actually date nor he seem to know or he just need to write date to where to how start. All he knew was his thoughts whether right or wrong needed be expressed. So he proceed with writing in his diary indiginishing from the truth and untruth of his life.

April 4, 1984

I work for the inner party of Oceania, people outside the party know me the smith, the eraser, but the within the inner party, I am known as the doctor. But the untruth, I am the Doctor I live up to meaning the title behind through my locality and dedication to the inner party. In all truth behind my true name as the doctor things are not right not true in this world because the inner party because big brother is always watching because they know war is not  peace  it is a constant monster  wreaking havoc which I believe I must stop because I am the doctor. 

John stop writing and hid away his journal back into the safe place he has always left in hallow wall inside a small brick. He showers for a day puts on coveralls and gets ready for his work day. In Oceania, there was no individuality we all wore coveralls. There is no freewill we monitor daily through telecasts which also broadcast daily updates on the war with Eurasia. He always walks through the tunnels that lead to large gathering for eating our daily meal each bare and limitless that is not even worthy for the vermin.  He began his day sitting alone he dry dull breakfast of hard muffins extract coffee mix with water. John from time to time he would try not to stare at anyone nor engaged in any type of conversation. 

But on rarest occasions his eyes would wonder to a young dark short haired woman, who stare at him across from gathering room. Her eyes golden brown then even though their stare would not to longer than 10 seconds he was lucky not to be caught the shutter of the sounds of the telecast would report another revolutionist confessing going against the party.  That is when all people of Oceania do their two minutes hate, Shout and curse the people who went against the party saw the dark hair girl throw a rock at the telecast during the two minutes. Then saw him, Mr.Simm, a man who thought the same as he a party member, their meets during two minutes and he thought their were linked, thinking

"I am with you brother, the rebellion exists."

But John did want the thought police to catch him and Mr.Simm in such thoughts that he proceeds to cover himself by yelling and cursing with the rest of Oceania spitting on muck of hate of betrayers of the party. After two minutes hate concludes John walks out gathering tunnels and proceed down a half mile to the building of knowledge. where he changes facts in the newspaper along history, memories of the past, people existence erased. But once the code name, The doctor come through his telecast screen, and receives a blue message tube he knows that deals with more than just erasing people from the news but their life. The party only calls the doctor when the inner party knows their is a direct threat hindering their power. They only called at four or five time out of a year. He didn't take much in know in his targets, for the party sends him the information need to acquire the target. 

The doctor never knows who issues the targets for it does not seem to make difference because it is come from the party, nothing else matters. All that matter is the party wants it done. wants the life distinguish and no one dare goes against the party. The doctor open blue tube, the first thing that comes out is picture of the dark haired girl, 

"No" he thought not her,  he proceeds emptying the rest of contents of tube, which he has message that states the following about the dark haired girl, 

" Target: Clara O. Oswald

Mission: First infiltrate, follow, proceed knowing comings and goings, and lifestyle.

Follow after dinner gathering.  

IF any mean of finding any revolt against the party distinguish her  "

The doctor rips the message and burns it in to memory hole besides his desk. But he keeps the photo and puts in his overalls chest pocket. He usually keeps the pictures all his targets keeps them all in another brick in his home along the journal. He wonders why the party want him to follow her first not immediately distinguish her they always just write the name of target, word distinguish and address. 

Maybe their was something the party wanted from clara, some secrets knowledge about anything that could hinder the party or something. John was indeed curious, so first time he was going to get to know his target, grab telephone, asks for all news articles on Ms.Oswald. 

Unfortunately, nothing on Ms.Oswald came in from message tubes. He his day changing news clips on war news on the battle fronts of Eurasia. And clocks out and proceeds in going to dinner gathering for final meal of the day. During dinner gathering he looks for Clara, but finds no sight of her. He eats his dry cut up beef with hard potatoes. After thirty minutes of waiting and eating he walks out the dinner gathering. He entering into the gathering tunnel he alone there she is Clara O. Oswald walking towards him, but she has slint draping her left arm. which she not wearing this morning, wondering what happened, maybe this is why party is targeting her.

John walks passed her but she trips and falls on the ground. She cries in pain he stops stands there watch her in pain was hard for he could let lie there. He thought also gain her trust would help him in infiltrating her. So he holds his hand asks, 

"Are you alright, Sister."

Clara takes her hand and she the paper slips into his hand,

"It is nothing my brother, thank you." 

John feels the paper in between his and hers hand trying not to response it he asks Clara

"Are you sure? Sister"

Clara replies, "Yes, brother,it is nothing, I am later for dinner, if you excuse me, we should meet again Brother."

"Yes should meet again, Sister, Goodnight." 

Clara says nothing and walks away feeling the paper between finger without looking at it he slips the paper in his pocket. He decides not to follow her tonight but walks home. Takes off his overalls places them in on his bed with bed clothes. John gets a quick cold shower, he dresses into bed clothes he starts a fire. He get out the picture of clara along with the note she passed on to him. He gets out his journal and box of pictures of targets sits by the fire before bed. John set aside the box and journal, and decide open the note clara gave him. One side had three words no one has told ever, 

I Love You.

Stunned he flips over, the other side of note says

Victory Square 

Overwhelm without hesitation burns the note, and puts her picture in the box along with other targets. and gets out his journal and writes one more thought before going to bed.

Does she really, does she love me, how could she ?

The end of chapter one 

Chapter two coming soon

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