Light 'Em Up -The Rescue

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John worked diligently with Zach planning and getting supplies for their 'distraction'. Mycroft had gotten copies of the original blueprints to the house (God knows how...its Mycroft). He, Greg and Mycroft's team went over one, while Zach and John looked at the other.

"Mycroft, you know for a fact he is in this holding cell in this part of the basement?" Zach asked, pointing at the blueprint.

"For the millionth time yes, Zachary. I absolutely would not let this distraction anywhere near my brother, after all. For Gods sake...," Mycroft said.

"Alright, alright. Ok. Zach, he isn't over here. If I thought Sherlock was anywhere near where we were planning to plant these, I wouldn't do it. This is the whole opposite side of the house. And the pool house. They aren't going to move him...cause too much commotion. Especially for one person. Right. When do we do this?" John asked Mycroft.

"Soon. We leave in fifteen minutes. Time to get him the hell out of there," Mycroft said. He was sitting and loading guns with what looked like...darts.

"Darts?" John asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"With enough tranquilizer in them to take down an elephant," Mycroft said.

"Good. Good. Zach? How ya doing in there?" John asked.

"Finishing up the last one, John!" Zach called from the kitchen. He screwed the cap on the bottle and took his protective glasses off, and loaded the bottles of 'distraction' into multiple crates.

"You made enough didn't you?" John asked, worried.

"Of course. Would be easier if we had grenades, but...this is better. Won't make any kind of noise before it goes off. And it explodes on impact, no waiting ten seconds," Zach explained. "Alright, help me carry these to the truck please,"

"Sure. God, this is all insane. I mean, it has been a wild ride since the moment I've met Sherlock, but this takes the cake. I mean, why take him? He was doing his job, for Gods sake," John said.

"Well, that's the reason, right? They knew if they were gonna go down by anyone it would be him and you. So they decided to try and dispose of you two; but not before causing you both pain in one way or another...Oh God, Im sorry. Im not very good at this whole comforting thing," Zach explained.

"I know and its fine. God, I cannot lose him, Zach. I really cant. Vie lost him once. I promised to never let that happen again. If he dies, I die too. There isn't any point of going on without him...believe me; I've tried," John said sadly. He slumped to the foot of the stairs when they were back in the house. He knew he needed to stay strong for Sherlock, but he was afraid of what they would find when they went to get him...the very thing that had haunted John's nightmares for the longest time: Sherlock dead. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle that...not in a million years.


"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" John yelled at Zach. Zach was standing in front of John, clearly furious.

"John Watson...I can handle a lot. Sure as hell have put up with a lot of stupid shit from a lot of stupid fucking people. But, when you sound like you are giving up?! Argh, I just wanted to smack you, so I did! You do not give up! Sherlock needs us...especially you, damn it! Now...buck up, soldier. We have work to do," Zach bellowed. He stormed into the living room. "Mycroft? We ready yet?" he asked. Mycroft and Greg both turned to look when they heard the loud SMACK! across the room, so they heard everything Zach had said to John.

"Yes, let's go," Mycroft said. He pointed for his men to file out before him. Mycroft walked over to John. "You need to stay with us. Sherlock will most likely not go to anyone but you. He needs  you, John,"

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