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kalin sat on the couch, preoccupied with his phone while bari and eva sat on the other side cupcaking like usual. bari said something to eva causing her to cock her head back as she giggled.

"you're so cute," bari said softly. "why you gotta go home?"

kalin mentally rolled his eyes and gagged as they flirted with each other in front of him.

"i spent two nights here already," eva pouted. "i have to go home some time, babe."

"y'all are so gross." kalin finally said, his eyes not leaving his phone.

eva looked over at kalin and rolled her eyes. he was always so grumpy or in a bad mood whenever he felt like he was third wheeling.

"you just need a girl," eva smiled.

"i've got plenty of girls." kalin looked over at eva and flashed a cocky smirk.

"and you say we're gross." eva scoffed. "you need a girl. singular. not plural."

kalin shook his head no as he scrolled through his phone.

kalin did not do girlfriends. he didn't do feelings. he didn't like the idea being attached.

"what about nai?" eva smirked. "y'all would be cute together."

kalin shrugged his shoulders.

"yeah what's going on with y'all?" bari asked.

"nothing." kalin answered.

"mmm," eva smirked.

he looked over at the couple's direction and just stared at eva. she knew something. of course she knew something. girls talk. they're best friends.

"what?" he asked, cocking a brow.

"nothing." she mimicked.

"what did she say?" kalin asked.

"nothing," she repeated as she grabbed her phone off the coffee table.

kalin stared at the latina as she typed away on her phone, letting bari hover over her shoulder and smiling as well.

"what?" kalin asked, curiously.

"nothing." eva smiled up at him. "just texting nai."

kalin reached over and tried to grab the phone eva. she let out a loud squeal as she jumped out of bari's arms and ran up to his room, closing it behind her.

"eva," he yelled. "what did nai say?"

"i'm not going to tell you." she yelled back.

"eva," he repeated, banging on the door.

eva slightly jumped as she laughed to herself.

"she didn't say anything bad about you."

kalin could hear the mischievous smile in her voice. he rolled his eyes as he let out a groan.

"then what did she say?"

"why should i tell you?" eva asked. "you've got girls."

"i just wanna know."

"fine." eva said walking towards the door. "since you wanna know so bad."

she unlocked it and tossed her phone to kalin as she headed down the stairs back to bari who was just laughing to himself. eva giggled as she heard kalin walk down the steps.

"what the fuck." he furrowed his brows as he tossed the phone back to her. "she didn't even say anything."

"i know," eva smiled up at him. "she didn't tell me shit. but the way you're acting just says something happened that got you feeling some type of way."

kalin rolled his eyes as he sat back down in his spot. he pulled out his phone and continued to scroll through instagram. he had a follower notification.

naomi.renee started following you.

that's not a real ig, at least i don't think it is lol but here's a short chapter. honestly i don't know which direction this story is going anymore ahahaha fml.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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