The Story

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The Evolution Tournament is the most watched fighting tournament in the world. Legends like Justin Wong are famous due to this big event. Many people like Tooch, age 22, love the EVO tournament, but only so many people get to witness the action live at Las Vegas.

2    Tooch had a good run in college, but like so many other people he is struggling to find a job. He is also struggling to keep his one bedroom apartment. As a kid, he watched EVO with his brother. However him and his brother don’t get along well ever since…the accident. Three years ago, Tooch, his brother Kevin, and their 50 year old parents Tim and Mary, at the time were coming back from a party.

3    “Take the next turn on left!” Mary exclaimed.

4    “Alright Ma” said Tooch said with evidence of annoyance in his voice. Ugh, backseat drivers.

5    “This party was great!” Kevin says slightly intoxicated. “I feel so ALIVE!!!”

6    “Kevin, are you high?” Tim says, half seriously, half playing around. Ah dad, he’s a knucklehead.

7    “Are we close yet?” Tooch says.

8    “Yes honey, after this light.” Mary replies with tiredness in her voice.

9    In the middle of the intersection, a speeding car slams in the back half of the car, killing Tim and Mary on contact.

10    To compensate with this deep depression, he played video games. Specifically, fighting games. To him, it was avenging his parents without  harming anyone. Whenever he faced a strong character, or played a hard boss, he thinks of the anger and depression of losing his parents in a split second.

11    Don’t worry dad, I won’t let you down. I can’t lose this. I’ve already lost you.

12    He usually played games of fast combat, but could be slowed down. He played many games, but his favorite was Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.

13    To gain some money, he set up local tournaments in his hometown, San Diego, California. After his friend hyped up the tournaments, people wanted to play against Tooch. His dedication to avenge his parents gave him the strength to destroy all his opponents. They claimed that he used a modded controller and put in cheat codes before matches. But no matter what they said, the opponents still had to cough up a pretty penny for losing.

14    One of his opponents named John, looked a bit sketchy. He had brought a friend. His name was Tyler. He had a camcorder. Tooch had not noticed the camcorder, but did notice the unfamiliar behavior of John.

15    “Who’s next?” Tooch said with a cocky attitude.

16    “Me”John said. He whispered to his buddy,”start recording”.

17    Tooch took the suspicious behavior off his mind and put his mind on the game. He destroyed John.

18    “Another 20 bucks in the bank, time to cough up.” Tooch says with an even cockier attitude.

19    As John gives Tooch the money, Tooch turns around to get water then sees John’s friend recording. Suddenly, Tooch gets pushed onto the ground by Tyler while John steals his PlayStation 3 games, including UMVC3. They both dash out the apartment so fast dust particles flew from the ground.

20    “Nice raid bro” John said.

21    “Yeah, this was a nice” Tyler said.

22    “Thank goodness we stole that footage” John said, rejoicing. “Now we can finally upload this stuff!!”

23    So they did that. But they didn't get traction at all.

24    Those damned thieves, I shall get my revenge, I WILL  get my revenge, In any way shape or form. Dad, I won’t let you down. I promise.

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