My Werewolf Mate

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"Excuse me, Miss Brinshale, I hope you don't mind me asking you to explain to the class what we were talking about" My oh-so lovely teacher asked (note the sarcasm)

"I wouldn't mind at all "Mr.Jonson", you see you were talking about how class ends in exactly 5 seconds!"






"BBBRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!" rang the bell after exactly 5 seconds, but before I left I made sure that i smirked at my teacher who was standing there looking like a deer stuck in the headlights

"Bye, Mr.Jonson, see you tomorrow" I snarkily said to him and walked out of the class

◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇3 periods later◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇

Wow, I thought to myself as I walked away from 7th period, I never knew math could be so freakin BORING!!!

Well at least 8th is my very best period only because its Gym and all my friends are there, and I usually get in trouble for talking, giggling, or laughing to much, that is one reason why I love Gym so much

As I was walking down the empty hallway I felt someone following me but as you can guess no one was there when I turned around, so I waved it of as a stupid hormonal feeling an turned back around I bumped into something hard and fell down

"What the hell, can you not say freaking excuse me, as you clearly saw me walking and not paying attention you da-"

I was cut off by a gruff, low man voice which involuntarily sent shivers down my spine, which I then again waved off as my stupid hormonal feelings

"Please accept my apology, I am so sorry for bumping into you, but then again you weren't paying attention, so technically you bumped into me" The mysterious voice said that I had not dared to look at yet

But I took my chances and looked up into a pair of forest green mixed with a tint of yellow pair of eyes on the most handsome man I have ever seen

"Well then help me up Mr.Smarty pants" I replied with a snort

"Fine then Sergeant Sarcastic" He retorted

I was staring in shock no one had ever made a comeback at me, and yet here I was standing in front of this beautiful man and I could only stare agape at him until it clicked!


And let me say that I have seen the group he hangs out with and ALL of them were very well built, but he....he was the definition of a HUMAN HERCULES

My god, how I wanted to run my tongue up and down that delicious-

I was quickly caught out of my trance when he asked me, " Are you even listening to me?" Then he threw me a smirk I knew I would be a disease to my body because of the way I was acting now

Stupid heart, why can't you just stop letting me fall for him, he will never want me, and he might be set up to do this, !UGH!, Then again he might be doing this on his own, my god I am so conflicted right

"Umm...e-excuse me, but I have to go" I told him

For some reason he looked a little pained to see me go, but instantly covered it up with a answer

"Yes, but I will see you around, right?" He said with a hint of hope in his voice

"No Sh*t Sherlock, I don't go to school here" I retorted

"I take that as a yes, Sergeant Sarcastic" He replied unaffected by the way I just talked to him

"Whatever" I replied with a half frown so that when I turned around I could finally smile at just what happened then it immediately turned into a frown and a scowl mixed together with a hint of disgust of what I was thinking

Hahaha silly, popular boy, I am pretty sure he thinks that he can get me with a blink of an eye but oh.....was he underestimating me for them other fake barbie b*tches out there who would do anything to sleep with them, but as for me I wanted my first time to be speciak not with any and every boy who looked at me with lust

I then noticed I had 4 minutes to get to class so I sprinted to class and hopefully thought that it would as well as any other day

My Werewolf MateWhere stories live. Discover now