Chapter 30

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I sat at the kitchen table, typing an essay on my computer that was supposed to be due today. Thankfully, we were practically snowed in and classes were cancelled today. It was Friday morning and Luke had just left to get breakfast for the both of us, despite my want for him to stay here and out of the treacherous snow, he decided against me and did what he originally planned.

I pushed myself back from the table, taking a break and picking up my phone next to me. Luke had been gone for a little over an hour and knowing him, he took a detour to 'the cafe right across the street' he had claimed. I scrolled through my contacts, landing on his name and calling him.

I tapped my foot along with the rings, standing up and walking to the coffee pot as I waited. The click of him picking up was heard, along with a few muffled laughs in the background.

"Hey, baby." He dragged on his words, making me roll my eyes.

"Ew." I plainly said, scrunching up my nose at the nickname, but also at the smell of black coffee.

"I could practically hear you cringing." He chuckled.

"That I was." I sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows as I stirred sugar and milk into my drink.

"Where are you?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Ashton's. Calum got back from some trip on Sunday and all they guys are here so I stopped by to say hey." He told me, the sound of laughter and conversation fading away. It sounded as if he had left the room.

"He lives in New Jersey, right?" I questioned, taking a sip from my drink as I walked back to my computer.

"Did you know they don't pump their gas there?"

I laughed lightly, "I do now."

"Proper knowledge that you'll need in life." He boasted, probably proud that he knew the fact. He sighed into the speaker and I instantly bit back my bottom lip from feeling a bit guilty on taking away from his fun. "Give me 20 minutes and I'll be home." I lightly smiled at his words even though he couldn't see it.

"Alright." I quietly replied, leaning back into the uncomfortable wooden chair.

We exchanged our goodbyes and I went back to my work. I rubbed my eyes before I stared at the bright screen again, trying to force out the last two pages. I tied my hair up as I studied the research I was writing the essay on, securing it in a loose pony tail before I continued on.

I went back to working out paragraph after paragraph, but had jumped when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I tilted my head back, seeing Luke already leaning down to me, placing a short kiss to my lips.

"I didn't even hear you come in." I watched as he walked around me, sitting in the chair next to me.

"Your nose has been buried in that laptop since last night." I glanced over to his fallen expression that was supported by his propped up elbow. I subtly frowned as I slumped into my seat.

"I know, I'm just feeling a bit stressed." I rubbed my face with my hands, blinking back at Luke.

"I get it." He shortly said, nodding once. He brought a hand to my back, rubbing over it gently. "Want a day off?" His lips pulled into a thin smile that matched his tired eyes.

"This is a day off." I sighed once again, looking back over to my laptop. Luke slowly shut it, both of us knowing that we needed nothing but to escape school for a little while.

"Come cuddle with me on the couch while we watch reruns of 'Friends'." He insisted, sticking out his bottom lip at me. I inhaled deeply, the smell of the breakfast he had gotten pulling me more towards the idea.

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