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Sans and Papyrus were on a camping trip and Papyrus was scared. Scared that he would end up confessing his undying romantic feelings towards Sans and ruin everything. They went to bed in their tent that night, bundled up in their own sleeping bags across from each other. Papyrus tried to will his thoughts away and fell into a restless sleep.

Sans awoke suddenly. It had been a few hours since they tucked themselves into bed and he was immensely uncomfortable. It was then he realized he had a boner.

Shit, he thought, I have a boner.

There was no way he could calm down his furious erection, but he couldn't just jack off with Papyrus just across from him. Papyrus rarely slept and he was a light sleeper when he actually did sleep; what if he woke up to Sans just cranking his hog?

Sans decided to carefully slip out of his sleeping bag, quietly put on his slippers, and step outside. It was extremely dark out and there were frogs croaking in the distance. Nice.

He found a log a little ways from the tent and sat down on it hastily. Taking a minute to listen, he found that the coast was clear and he hurriedly whipped his glowing blue dong out. The crickets chirping around him helped him set a rhythm as he stroked himself.

Sans was panting and quietly whimpering to himself when he heard a twig snap. He froze, looking in the direction of the sound. Gasping, he let go of his dick and shuffled as far away from the terror before him as he could on the short expanse of log. Standing there, was none other than Bigfoot. Sasquatch. The cryptid from the woods.

"g-get away!" Sans cried as the creature took a few strides towards him. Bigfoot made a soft sound sound and Sans suddenly felt very confused. The tall, wooly monster did nothing to appear malicious. Sans was frozen- he didn't know what to do. He was too afraid to even tuck his bright glowing wang away.

It was then Bigfoot marched right up to him, and Sans could do nothing but yelp and cover his face with his arms. After a few seconds nothing had happened, so was he safe?

When he uncovered his eyes, he saw Bigfoot was kneeling right in front of him, eyes staring at none other than his dick. Sans tensed when a furry hand began to reach for him.

"whoa, are ya tryin' to touch my dick?" Sans was taken aback. What the hell? It was then Bigfoot fucking moaned in reply.

"are you serious?" Sans was genuinely curious and extremely horny. It's not like most people would say no to this if they were turned on, right?

Bigfoot nodded enthusiastically, brushing a hairy hand against Sans' blue erection. Sans shuddered as the cryptid leaned forward until it's mouth was right against him.

"you wanna suck my dick?" Sans was shocked as Bigfoot groaned once again, nodding vigorously. The skeleton let himself relax and sighed.


Bigfoot immediately took Sans into his mouth. Sans couldn't believe it, he was in the middle of the woods getting sucked off by an elusive, wooly, and somehow sexy cryptid. This creature knew what it was doing- the way it slurped the bright blue cock in was too confident for beginner.

Sans clenched his hands into painful fists, trying his hardest not to shout with the pleasure. As he looked down at Bigfoot, he became entranced as he watched himself disappear into it's mouth, only to slip out again. Bigfoot was moving impossibly fast on his cock and it wasn't long until he was close.

"b-bi-ig foot, i'm gonna-' Bigfoot did nothing but keep on sucking, and Sans whined as he released into the monster's mouth. The pleasure was so intense, it took a minute for Sans to ground himself again.

Pulling Sans dong out of it's mouth, Bigfoot stood up, gave Sans one last soft noise of affection, and turned away to go back into the woods.

I'll never forget you.

It was then the shock of what Sans experienced hit him and he rushed back to the tent.

"papyrus!" He looked around to find the other skeleton wasn't in his sleeping bag. Fuck, he was up?

Did he see me with Bigfoot?

"papyrus!" Sans tried again. "you won't believe this, but bigfoot is real and he tried to suck my dick!"

It didn't matter if the truth was a little off, right?

Suddenly, Papyrus burst into the tent. He was.... clad in a brown, furry suit, and he held a mask in his hand- a bigfoot mask.


Sans sat in a stunned silence for a moment before uttering the only thought running through his head:

"what the fuck?"

Bigfoot Loves Sans UndertaleWhere stories live. Discover now