⊗ TicciMask ⊗

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[Lmao I'm actually disgusting trash nobody can stop me

Here's a compilation of TicciMask Headcanons]

◦Toby prefers dating older people because he knows that he's not very mature and being with somebody who could keep him in line would do him well
◦Tim waited until Toby turned 18 before finally agreeing to date him because although he often broke laws anyway, he felt strongly about Toby having to be a legal adult before they could date
◦Tim is extremely protective over Toby
Like seriously it's kind of scary he'll threaten to kill you if you insult Toby
◦Toby has Tim carry him all the time, everywhere
◦Toby can't sleep unless Tim is there
He has to be hugging Tim and bundled up against him in order to sleep soundly
◦Tim pets Toby until he falls asleep
◦Toby loves having Tim read to him, and Tim loves reading, so it's a win-win
◦When Toby is sick Tim goes all out with heating pads, soup, medicine, water, and anything else imaginable that Toby would need (even if it's just a common cold)
◦When Tim is sick he- first of all tries to hide it, but when that fails Toby doesn't quite exactly know how to take as well of care of him as Tim would but he tries to keep Tim smiling and distracted
◦Toby really wants couple themed shirts but Tim still isn't convinced
◦Toby will put his feet in Tims face to get his attention and Tim literally screeches because he hates feet
◦Toby once cried when Tim shaved his sideburns by just an inch
◦Toby got Tim hooked on GTA V (Tim gets really scary when playing because he acts like he's killing REAL people)
◦Toby doesn't let Tim shave his beard because he loves the feeling of it
◦Tim is one of the only people who has ever seen Toby without his mouth guard
◦Toby doesn't always know how to help Tim when he's having a moment because of his Schizophrenia but he's learned that just letting Tim hold him always helps
◦When Toby and Tim first met and Tim was training him to become a Proxy, Toby didn't trust Tim or anyone at all
Tim got Toby to believe that he cared about him and could trust him by sleeping outside of his room for a whole night to make sure Toby was safe
◦Tim was Toby's trainer while he was training to become a Proxy - that's how they met
◦Toby despises country music and thought Tim did too, but when he found Tims hidden Luke Bryan CD he played it on full blast and made Tim freak out
◦Toby likes to make really random, inappropriate jokes just to throw Tim off guard
In the middle of missions
◦The other Pastas are terrified of complimenting Toby because they're always worried that Tim is somewhere nearby, ready to kill

[You guys are so amazing omfg
#166 in random I can't even right now do you know how many random books there are and how good they are j e e z I don't deserve this thank you guys so much!

[You guys are so amazing omfg#166 in random I can't even right now do you know how many random books there are and how good they are j e e z I don't deserve this thank you guys so much!

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I just can't???]

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