BADWORD... sorry :D

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it is now 3:30 pm as you arrived to the venue... it is so crowded, it's hard to walk! many fans are cheering for him outside the venue, I guess they are those fans who can't afford tickets, I know because it's a surprise performance... as we entered the venue and gave our tickets to one of the guard, many presscons and camera mans and fans fangirling and a huge pretty piano at the stage. you look for a seat.

jack: hey! let's sit over there near the guy wearing orange

you: sure! that's a good idea, jack

as you come and sit there, the lights turned off and everyone cheers up and you are just there, awkward

you: is the concert going to start now? what time is it?

jack: yes, it's 3:59 pm

as greyson stand in the stage the spot light hits where he stand

you all screams! you even pull jack's hair

jack: aww! stop it *laughs*

you: sorry! I just can't...omg!!! JACK! THAT IS GREYSON OVER THERE!!!!!!!

jack: I know, I can see hahahah stop being so over fangirl

you: but I can't!!

as greyson started singing and after 1 hour, question and answer time

the girl walks towards greyson coming from the crowd

you: what the?! Who is that girl??

jack: greyson's secret girlfriend, he will now reveal it


you didn't realize that the whole crowd is actually silent and your voice was heard so loud.. OMG awkward

jack: shhhh!

you: why?

jack: you are too loud, your voice was heard

as jack looks around and they were all looking at you, you look around too because you are curious, even greyson caught your attention and he just chuckles and the girl stops too and look at you

you: why are they all looking at me? even greyson? did he caught my attention? am I too loud before? *you whispers*

jack: yes you are! so shhh! close you eyes in the count of 123 okay?

you: why would I?

jack: just do it and erase this embarassement from your mind

you: what? no! why would I erase it when today is the day I caught his attention

jack: you said a bad words and I am just joking that time, he's not his girlfriend and she's the host

you: ahhhh! Jack!!! *as you punch him playfully* you are so bad! *you keep on pulling his shirt*

jack: stop it.. omg! *laughs* my shirt might rip off

you: I don't care! I might burn it as well

jack: greyson is looking at you.. lool *as he pointed at greyson*

you: really? *you rushed to look at greyson, and he is really looking at you laughing*

jack: behave! okay?! you've gotten so much attention at him, you might be embarassed later on

you: ok *you pouted*

jack: sorry guys! you may continue what you are doing

everyone turns their attention to greyson

girl: so Greyson, how are you? *as she offered a hug*

greyson: I'm fine, thanks for asking, how about you? *he hugged back* *and pulls away*

girl: I'm fine too,, first of all, I wanted to thank you for not rejecting this invitation

greyson: I'm the one who have to thank for this opportunity

girl: so my name is Krista

greyson: good name, Krista

as they continue on talking.... interviews.. blah blah blah!!!!

you were blushing so hard, jack teases you by pinching your cheeks

jack: tomato!!

you: jack! stop!! *you pinch back*

jack: stop pinching me!

you: only when you stop pinching me first

jack: fine fine! *he pulls away as you did too* you know I got a childhood friend before and I remember you from her

you: me? how?

jack: same attitude *laughs*

you: where is she now?

jack: I don't know, I wish I knew

you: stop being dramatic jack!

jack: but we meet here in Philippines, we are always together for 2 years, I'm 6 years old that time, she's 5...

you: why did you go?

jack: I have to go back to UK

you: so how many years do you live here?

Jack: 3 years? if the 2 years before is including, I think 5 years

you: oh! are you here to look for her?

jack: yes, I am... uhhmm! how about get back to greyson?

you: ohh *laughs*

many things happened and the concert is over

"ugh! I didn't get a chance to talk to greyson!" you gasped



3 words, 18 letters, say it and dream come true (Greyson Chance fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now