you and jack were running fast to airport and when you reached the airport, you were cheering greyson's name...
shakira: oh so you, bitch, is here. Aren't you going to back up? you won't be noticed by Greyson, I will be always the girl he would notice.
jack: if you were here to tell that, back off!
you: jack, let's not fight, let's just look up for greyson
you saw greyson hoping out of his car
you: jack! there is he, greyson chance on his car
you pulled jack and went to greyson
you: greyson! greyson!
you shouted, because all enchancers followed you as they heard you told to jack
you: greyson! can you recognize me? or my voice? look at this way! greyson I'm here, Greyson
greyson is busy smiling and waving his hands to the enchancers and taking a photo with them and giving them an autograph, oh how kind greyson is (:
well, shakira went towards Greyson
shakira: excuse me, excuse me, excuse me
she said as she divided the fans blocking her way, greyson suddenly feel disappointed and surprised
shakira: hey, do you remember me? I am the "luckiest enchancer", that's how they call me, maybe I am because I'd met you for how many times and I'm now talking to you, maybe you remember me because of my title
greyson: oh yeah, I remember you, but sorry to say this sweetie, everyone's lucky and everyone deserves to see me, talk to me and have a picture with me.
shakira: oh! sorry, I wanna say, have a great flight, greyson
greyson: sure, thanks *smiles*
you went to their way too, you were still catching your breathe as you reached greyson
you: it is really hard to shout and pass through those fans, may I hug you?
shakira: oh this bitch is so...
greyson: sure *as he offered a hug, you hugged him*
shakira: oh this little... ugh!
greyson: ok *as he pulled away* everyone, thanks for your wonderful time, I gotta go now, see you soon. *as he waved to all of you*
you were stucked in that moment, cherishing it. as shakira went to you and slap you
you: aw
shakira: how dare you ruined my moment?
you: I didn't
greyson saw what shakira did, he feel sorry and just go
after 2 days
"I really feel sorry to that person, I saw what happened yet I can't do anything,sorry :("
girl 1: greyson really said that? I wonder who he was reffering to
girl 2: yeah, me too, I'm kinda jealous because of it
you heard those talks around the school, yeah your school got lots of fans and enchancers students.
shakira went to your way, and stand infront of you
shakira: sorry for what I did on the airport, I didn't mean it. so to know that you already accept my sorry, please accept this cup of hot chocolate
you accept it
you: thanks *smiles back*
shakira: you should drink it too, so I can know you accept it already
as you were about to drink it, she tapped the bottom of the cup and the hot chocolate spilled all over your uniform, of course you were shocked and can't do anything
shakira: oh sorry, I mean that one
and she walks out and her friends are laughing about it
one of her friends looks into your eyes feeling sorry and her mouth seems to say it
you went straight ahead to the comfort room, gosh! after you washed your face and self, you attempted to open the door but it's locked
you: anybody there? please let me out, I'm begging you, please?
you hear someone pass through
you: hey! you! *knocked the door hard* please let me out! please?
you were inside for 5 hours sitting at the back of the door hugging your bag and you heard your stomach asking for food omg. then you were crying already for 30 minutes and suddenly the janitor went inside, you stood up and wiped your tears and thanked her and ran out with your bag and went to the corridor, standing there almost fainting and you ran home
you: they don't like me!
you are crying while you are running straight to your home, when you reached your home, you straight ahead to your room and cried out loud there. no one could hear you because your mom and your dad went to the hospital because your grandma was hospitalized yesterday, they said they will stay there for 2 week if your grandma will get better soon
you just cried and cried until the middle of the night and just fall asleep

3 words, 18 letters, say it and dream come true (Greyson Chance fanfiction)
Fanfictiona simple girl that is way too in love with these 3 words and 18 letters than 3 words and 8 letters, she is way too simple, you will never have that idea that she will be the luckiest person in the world. What she all dream is to meet her first love...