Time for the Truth

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It was finally the day of the meeting. As the countries entered the White House, all of them made sure to glare at the Americas' bosses.

England and Portugal had to be held back by France and Spain from tackling one of them down to the ground.

"Excuse me sirs." The Mexican twin's boss came up towards the four father countries. "I know you all are worried for your children and their safety but please believe me when I say that they're okay."

"Get out of my face," Portugal said harshly, "I will find my son, nieces, and nephews. And believe me when I say," He stepped closer to the man, "I don't know where you have them, but I know that you have them, and trust me when I say this," He stepped even closer to the man's face, "If you harmed one hair on my baby AT ALL, I will track you down, find you, and kill you myself. And that is a promise." He walked into the meeting room.

The other three could only nod and followed him into the meeting room.

The Mexico's boss could only gulp.

Maybe this whole 'kidnapping North and South America' idea wasn't a good one.

Especially when their parents were former empires.

Yep he was definitely going to upgrade his security today.


Amelia laid on her bed as she stared up at the ceiling.

She had caused some dents in the wall, her knuckles hurt like Hell but she was close.

She knew it.

She couldn't give up.

But even with her super strength, the walls were really thick. As if they were especially designed for her strength. If only she was a bit stronger, but she was tired.

Really tired.

It seemed like she was a bit weaker somehow.

Wait that's it! 

Every single time she ate the food that they delivered food to her she would feel a bit more sluggish.

They were drugging her!!

They were probably doing that to the others too.

If only she somehow had a bit more strength.

She looked around her room some more.

The chair.

Its legs were steel.

She grabbed the chair and smashed it against the door.

It dented.

She ran to the door and punched it as much as she could.

There were even more dent marks.

She had to get out.

She just had too.

The thought of escaping filled her with determination.


Brazil looked around his room.

There had to be a way out.

He heard pounding next to him.

One of his cousins must have been trying to get out too.

He walked around his room trying to find a way out.

He sat back on the bed.

Wait that it!

The bed.

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