Science Fair

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Collin's POV:-
I had been researching on that theory and I found nothing much. I was determined to do something realated to it but it seemed like I wasn't able to find anything.I was disappointed by my self. I wasn't going to give up that easily but sadly I had no other option.

Ashley POV:- ( collin's classmate who has a crush on him )

Collin and I are good friends.I had started to notice that collin seemed so lost in his thoughts and sometimes he would seem Worried and sad.

"Hey collin, is the seat taken?" I asked him in the lunch break.
"No , u can sit " he replies with a smile. I just can't get pass how adorable he looks. His dimples. His bright blue eyes. His sculpted body. His messy jet black hair. I just want to run my fingers into his hairs and fix them. Oh how god dreamy he is.

I shake my head to clear the thoughts and I sit."You seem lost in your thoughts since the past few days. Is everything alright ?" I ask collin.

"Yeah everything is cool , its just about that science fair thing and about Justin(Collin's best friend). I called his mom yesterday and she still said that he is sick , I feel bad for him."replied collin.

"I am sorry for Justin. I know how it feels. It must be hard for you. Don't worry though. He will be alright soon enough. Plus what's the science fair thing. Why is it bothering you?" I asked him.

"Well first thing, I don't know what to make for the science fair. I had this idea, I researched it but I ended up failing. So I need a plan B , which I don't have. I worried that if I do not come up with something soon enough , I might affect my grade badly."

"Hmm, if u like we can make a group project. I am planning on making a teleporter. Do u wanna join in ?" I said.

"Wow that's a cool idea. I would love to join in." he said.

" OK cool, then meet me at the coffee shop after school. I will explain you the basics and then we will start building" I said.

"Ok" he said ,as the school bell rang and we went back to our classes.

The whole time after lunch break went in day dreaming about collin.I was excited that we are working together but at the same I knew we had to "work" not Netflix and chill.That's a bummer.

Collin POV:-
The bell rang and it was home time. I was Happy at the thought that I will go and relax at my home , but just then I received a text from Ashely and remembered about the coffee shop thing. I internally thought about not going but I had to or she would feel bad. Besides it was my own benefit as well so I went anyways.

I entered in and complimented the teacher on her outfit and found Ashley.

I found her smiling."What happened, why are u smiling ?"

"Why can't u flirt with girl more like your own age" she said while chuckling.

"ASHLEY!!! I wasn't flirting." I replied in a angry tone.

"Yes u were"

"No I wasn't"

"Yes u were"

"OK if even I was , why do u care"

"I don't care "

"OK really? Is that jealousy on your face. Plus I don't need to flirt, girls come to me by themselves"

"No it isn't, plus I dont care"

"Aww ur blushing"

"OK stop it collin , we are here to talk abt important stuff"

"OK ,fine.Ur still blushing "


"OK chill, I will stop"

"OK thanks "

I told him the plan and we were ready to get started.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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