Valentine's Day Surprise

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He hasn't come. It's Valentine's Day and he'd promised. But he hasn't come.

Those words echo in her head as she stands at the entrance to the Hidden Leaf village, the single rose in her hand starting to wilt. The chilly night air prompts a small sneeze as her blank stare rests on the sight of a single leaf blowing softly, forlornly, towards her.

Sasuke isn't coming. The edges of her hooded cloak flutters softly in the breeze as she lowers her head. The pretty dress she is wearing instead of her standard ninja outfit flutters with it. She should have expected nothing less from him.

No! I don't believe it. He'll get here soon, I just know he will-

"It's past midnight, little missy! I'd go home if I were you!" A loud voice slurs a few feet behind her, breaking the silence. Obviously just a drunk citizen on the way home from some unethical place he's been haunting earlier. She doesn't even bother to tense, or show any indication of hearing him.

A few footsteps sound behind her, until she can almost smell the alcohol on the man's breath as he continues, "Who're you waiting for? Whoever he is, I'm sure that I can do better than him." And suddenly she feels a slimy arm slide around her waist while another touches her neck.

Her sadness abruptly gives way to irritation, but before she can turn and give the man the beating she thinks he deserves, the man mutters a phrase that turns her blood ice cold in her veins.

"I know where Sasuke is."

Before she can react to the statement, the loose grip turns ironclad and the man she hasn't even seen the face of feels less drunk and more threatening. Even more so when she realizes that her hands are completely frozen to her sides and her legs won't obey her commands.

Surprisingly, she isn't scared. If anything she is impressed with this shinobi- because he has to be a shinobi- for managing to sneak up on her. This is quite a feat, especially as most shinobi don't dare to even try it given her reputation as a genius medic and student of the Sannin with the most brute strength.

But now is not the time to be impressed, she realises as the arms around her tighten. This man is dangerous, and he seems to know exactly what to say to catch her off guard. Besides, the paralyzing effects of the poison he must have given her is spreading quickly. She can already feel herself getting dizzy.

Closing her eyes, she inhales slowly, then calmly undoes the seal on her forehead. Almost immediately healing chakra spreads through her, dulling the effects of the poison. Well, the next thing to do is feign unconsciousness.

She lets herself slump against the man behind her, letting him bear the full force of her weight. Not that it's very much, but anything helps when dealing with an unknown enemy.

The man's grip loosens just a little, and that is what she's been waiting for. In lightning fast movements she jabs an elbow into the unknown man's nose with enough strength to knock even Naruto out.

At the same time, she lets her legs bunch and release on the man's body so that she keeps upright even as the person behind her loses his balance. She turns and faces her attacker, only to be surprised at the wooden doll with the broken face behind her. Who-

Then she hears the sound of slow clapping coming from a tree close by. "Nothing less than I'd expect from Lady Tsunade's student." A familiar voice utters.

"Kakashi!" The name trips off her tongue with ease. With a poof he appears in front of her, his headband and mask as perfectly in place as ever.

His normal greeting of 'yo' with one hand raised is ruined by her jumping at him with a chakra enhanced fist aimed squarely at his chest.

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