《 season 2 》- dream

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next morning

i wish this was a dream i could wake up from...
i think jihoon is really cheating on me...

eunhye : jihoon...

jihoon : yeah?

eunhye : let's break up.

jihoon : why?...

eunhye : yah! don't you know?!? you are already dating that cube trainee.

jihoon : no , I'm not /clear/

@jihoonnn_ last seen at 9.43am

few weeks later

i miss jihoon...
i hope she's better...

eunhye's mum : eunhye could you please go to the convenience store to get me some medication oil , your dad got into a fight again.

eunhye : mum it's 1am!

eunhye's mum : you're lucky i didn't say anything about you not sleeping at 1am!

eunhye : ugh , fine!

i wore some casual clothing with a black jacket and cap then left the house with my phone , wallet and house keys.
ugh , it's raining.
i had to run in the rain since i didn't bring my umbrella.

at the convenience store

since i was craving some late night supper i decided to get myself a cup of noodles to get my mind off jihoon as well as to satisfy my cravings for supper.

unknown : hey , um mind if i take the seat beside you?

i turned to see a cute boy.
no more descriptions , he's just cute.

eunhye : um well sure , i mean like i don't own that chair...

i awkwardly laughed but was too embarrassed so i just continued eating my noodles while scrolling through some social media apps.

unknown : sorry to bother you again but could you see if you can fix this problem in my phone?

eunhye : yea sure...

i probably didn't know how to solve it since i have zero experience with fixing phones but I'll give it a try.
i drank the last mouth of soup in my noodles and went to help him.

eunhye : so uh what's the problem?

unknown : i realise i don't have your number , could you add it in?

ermaigosh! I'm panicking , what do i do?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?
i calmed myself and answered,

eunhye : I'm sorry but i don't think i can fix that today maybe tomorrow.

i smiled as i left the convenience store.

unknown : wait!

he quickly ran towards me with heavy breathing...

unknown : at least tell me your name , I'm...

author's note
i love doing this I'm evil mwahahah.
anyways thank you for reading hope you enjoy! i will not be able to upload as often because school is starting tomorrow. anyways , thank you all and byeee for now.

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