Part III

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Hey guys! Bet you didn’t see this one coming did you? At first I wasn’t going to continue this (mainly because I told you guys that it would only be a two part thing) but someone demanded that I had to write more or they would have my head on a pike. Okay, they didn’t go that far but I appreciated the request, so I complied. So here you have it my otaku folk, Mai's Dreams Part 3! Oh and by the way reviews/comments are very welcome and encouraged, if you guys reading this have any requests for where you want this storyline to go just leave a comment or you can send me a private message :D (cause I really have no idea where to go with this). 

So many questions were running through my mind. Why is Naru acting like this? I was so confused. He’d never done anything similar to this in the past. Tonight, out of the blue, he just calls me in the middle of the night and asks to go for a walk. I mean where the hell did that come from?! Is he just playing with me? Or, is he serious? These questions bounced around in my head. What if he is serious?! I felt so confused, Naru can’t be serious! I laughed at myself, still trying to convince myself. No, of course he isn’t! I told myself. I mean, this is Naru! He’s probably just blowing off steam…

                As I said this to myself I was rather surprised at how disappointed I felt. This isn’t right… why do I feel like this? I was so confused. The farther we walked, the deeper my confusion became. Actually I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I ran into a wall. Literally. The shock broke my train of thought as I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. That really hurt… I thought as I rubbed my head, forgetting Naru was standing right next to me. However, I did suddenly remember when I heard him burst out laughing.

                “Hey!” I shouted at him, I was sick of his teasing.             

                Eventually his laughing calmed down enough for him to speak. “Yes?” he asked, still smiling. I wanted to slap that smile right off his face.

                “Stop making fun of me!” I was beginning to become very frustrated with him. As soon as I realized this, I immediately tried to calm down. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, please God no! I thought. I couldn’t get frustrated.

                “Oh but why when it is ever so entertaining Mai-chan?”  

                I’m gonna kill him, I’m seriously gonna kill him! He knew exactly how to get on my nerves. Okay, calm down Mai, I thought, just ignore Naru. You can’t get frustrated because you cry when you’re frustrated remember? And Naru can’t see you cry, he’d make sure that you never lived it down!

                Naru just started laughing again and it fueled my anger and frustration. I’m gonna kill him, I repeated to myself. He grabbed my wrist and led me down a hallway until we reached a door with a number that read: 616.

                “You know Mai,” he began as he took what looked like a keycard out of his wallet. “You shouldn’t get so angry with me when it was you who wasn’t paying attention.” He swiped the keycard in the lock on the door, and proceeded to drag me inside.

                I was about to retort an insult back at him, but I was at a loss for words as we stepped inside the room. One word could describe it.


                I stood in the entryway, stunned, as Naru closed the door. The entryway led straight into the living room, whose outside was made entirely out of glass. Just the living room itself was easily the size the size of my small apartment, not to mention how much bigger his entire apartment would be. Without thinking, I slowly moved toward the window of the living room, awed by the view. I stared at the city beneath me, and the city’s lights twinkled back.

                Suddenly Naru approached me from behind, he wasn’t close enough for him to touch me, just close enough so I could feel his presence. “Enjoying the view?” he asked.

                “It’s beautiful…” I confirmed.

                “Yes, you are,” he whispered into my ear. I immediately turned around, my face becoming a bright red.

                “God! Who says something like that Naru?! That is like really corny…” I exclaimed “Anyway, I think I’ll get going now…” I said as I tried to duck around Naru, but he caught me in his arms.

                “Aww… come on that wasn’t a nice thing to say after I just complimented you.” He softly whispered into my ear.       

                I struggled against him, desperate to be let go. “Let me go!” I yelled, while fighting against him.

                He suddenly smirked, replying with, “I will if you tell me something.”

                “Okay…” I replied cautiously as I stopped my struggling. “What is it?”

                His smile got wider, which I didn’t like. It most certainly meant trouble for me. “What were you thinking about so hard that you slammed into a wall?”

                “Nope. I’ll never say.” I answered without thinking but I quickly realized my mistake, my refusal would only make him more curious.

                “Aww… come on. Don’t be like that. Tell me… please?”

                He was driving me crazy. I couldn’t think straight anymore. My blush was insanely prominent, I could feel how red my face was.

                “Tell me Mai,” he ordered, his tone commanding. I remained silent, staring at the floor.

                “If you won’t tell me,” he threated, “I’ll just have to assume the worst…”

                “W-what’s the worst?” I stuttered, he was having too much effect on me and he knew it.

                “That you were thinking about me…” he said in an amused and joking tone. I knew he was just teasing me, I knew he didn’t really think that, but my thoughts were so jumbled, I couldn’t think straight.

                I tensed against him, my body reacting to his correct assumption. My blush intensified, turning my whole face beet red.

                “Mai…” he breathed, his tone now serious. I couldn’t handle it anymore, I was so confused, and it frustrated me so much. I couldn’t control it anymore. All of a sudden I burst into tears.

                “What’s wrong?” he burst out, panicked and confused by my sudden outbreak of tears. His face contorted with worry and concern. I just stared at him, my face full of tears. 

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