Part lV

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A/N: Hey guys, once again I just want to sincerely apologize for neglecting this book the way I did and I’m so grateful to you readers who have waited the months it took me to come out with this chapter. I do plan to continue this in the future so I hope you’ll read the next chapter as well. Thanks for reading guys! :)


“Mai! Wait, Mai-chan!” Naru shouted after me as I burst out his front door. Bolting down the stairs of his apartment building, I heard him call after me, “Mai! Wait!”                

                No, no, no, he can’t see me like this, I thought, wiping away the tears that were welling up in my eyes. I’ll go into work tomorrow and act as if nothing happened, it’ll be okay, I lied to myself. It’ll be okay.

                Out of breath, I finally slowed down to lean against the wall of the stairwell. Catching my breath and wiping the rest of the tears from my eyes really helped me clear my head. So I deeply reflected and pondered the situation I just ran away from. The conclusion I reached: Why the hell was I so stupid?!

                Okay, let’s break this down here so we can all understand.

                Event 1: The extremely good-looking guy you have a crush on wants to meet with you outside of work.

                Event 2: Said good-looking guy then invites you into his apartment.

                Event 3: Your narcissistic crush then proceeds to make a move on you.

                And my reaction to this glorious turn of events? I. Run. Away. What is wrong with me?! That was every girl’s dream back there!

                Turning around, I then proceeded to slam my head against the wall. Repeatedly. Well, I sighed, it’s not like I can go back and say ‘Hey, I changed my mind,’ now can I? Pushing off the wall, I gloomily made my way down the stairs and exited the building, all the while half-heartedly hoping Naru would come running after me.


                The chilly December air raised goose bumps on my skin as I exited through the automatic double doors. I gazed out towards the eerie, deserted street in front of me, examining the yellow glow each streetlamp cast into the darkness. Again I struggled to keep my hair out of my face as the chilly night wind mercilessly blew against it. The struggle brought me back to earlier this evening, and how Naru’s lips felt against my own…

                Immediately the memory brought a blush to my cheeks and a giggle to my lips. My moment of giddiness was fleeting however, when I remembered just how dumb I was. “God! Why am I so stupid?!” I shouted into the empty street. It felt nice to yell, especially since that stupid narcissist frustrated and confused me. “Stupid, stupid Naru.” I muttered under my breath as I strolled past a darkened alley. “Naru the Narcissist.”

                Suddenly I felt a hand roughly pull me backward, knocking me off my feet.

                “Hey-,” I began, alarmed, before another hand clamped down over my mouth. Panic rose through me as I tried to struggle and scream but to no avail, as someone then stuffed an odd smelling rag over my nose and I passed out in seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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