Chapter One: Nightmares and New Houses

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Hayden's P.O.V.

  I walked down the dark hallway clutching my books to my chest. Everything seemed to be so much bigger than I was, towering over me like I was just a child.

"Hey Loser, where you goin'?" A loud, angry voice yelled at me from behind. 

I spun around to see three large, muscular guys a little ways down the hall, although I couldn't recognize their faces fear filled every part of my body, my brain screamed at my feet to run but I seemed almost to be paralyzed- frozen in my place.

They came closer and I willed my feet to move but I stayed where I was.

With every step they took I became more afraid, yet I never once moved a muscle. Suddenly they were directly in front of me only inches away. I could now make out who exactly they were. The largest with dark brown hair and angry blue eyes grabbed my shoulder. 

"Brett..please don't -" I started to plead but it was too late. He punched me hard in my gut causing me to fall to my knees. 

Alec and Darren - his obnoxious followers - laughed and joined their leader in kicking me repetitively. 

The pain was unbearable and I felt tears stream down my face. They kicked me harder, calling out taunts as they continued my beating.

Then it stopped.

I felt relief flow through me as I laid there bleeding. At least the worse was over. 

But I guess was wrong.

I opened my eyes to see Brett smirking down at me, wearing his trademark varsity football jacket. 

He raised his foot and called me one last name as his foot came crashing down to my face.

I shot up in bed, now in a sitting position. Sweat covered my body, head to toe. I was breathing heavily and my heart was racing.

It was just a dream...just a dream... I tried to sooth myself. I glanced at the clock. 5:27 a.m.

I sighed and swung my feet off the bed. I might as well get up, it's not like I'm getting anymore sleep anytime soon...

I walked over to my window and peeked through the curtains. The sun was still rising and beautiful streaks of reds and oranges filled the sky. I sighed, I loved watching the sun rise. Although with these nightmares I found I was getting the chance to see it every morning...

I closed my curtain and tiptoed out of my room and into the bathroom, careful not to wake my parents. 

I closed the door behind me and stood in front of the mirror. My ear length blond hair was still messy from tossing in my bed and my tired brown eyes stared back at me with a sad expression. My pale cheeks were flushed from my terrible dream making it hard to see my light freckles.

I ran a hand through my hair turning on the faucet then cupping my hands together to gather the warm water. I washed my face and then grabbed the towel by the sink. After I was finished I looked at myself again. 

I didn't look as bad but still looked sleepy. 

I stared for a little while longer then came to a conclusion.

I honestly and truly, without and doubt or hesitation in my mind, absolutely and completely hated my life.

Although it wouldn't seem that way.

At least from an outsiders point of view.

I had a nice house and a loving family, we weren't rich but we had enough money. My parents had steady jobs and loved each other with most of their hearts, the rest of their love was given to me. I wasn't beaten or addicted to anything. I was smart and the very few friends I did have were true.

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