Chapter Four: Flashback

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(Camile's P.O.V.) 

"My class is that way..." Hayden said pointing back around the corner to where we just were.

"Oh, sorry. Do you know where the Science class is?" I asked.

"That way, just go straight and turn left." He said smiling. "I'll see you at lunch, OK?" 

I nodded and said goodbye as I took the directions that he gave me to find my science class. It actually wasn't that hard, this school was pretty small. Nothing like my old school..

I found my class and awkwardly walked in, everyone looked at me with different expressions, some were nice, some were mean, some sympathetic and one girl in the back of the room sat alone and appeared to be drawing something. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hi.." I said quietly. She looked at me.

"HEY THERE!" She yelled. I winced at the loudness and it was then I noticed she had earphones in.

I just smiled politely and waved. She took the neon green ear buds out and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, I'm Gwen. You must be new." She held out her hand. I shook it.

"Camile, and yes, yes I am."

"Cool, where are you from?" She asked looking rather interested.

"Actually, just an hour from here. Like, that way." I pointed right. 

"Oh, you're from Heshenbriar!" She said excitedly. I nodded. "That's cool, I heard people there are like, really rich.."

"I guess..." I shrugged. "I dodn't like to think of myself as rich, we just have more money compared to some people. Like some people have more facial hair than others, that doesn't mean one persons bald and the other has a beard like Santa."

She nodded slowly. I sighed.

"Yeah, everyone there is rich, we like to have pool parties but we fill our pools with money instead." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, I just heard...So anyway do you like sports or anything?" Gwen said smiling like a child molester who just got a job as a primary teacher.

"Uh, no...?" I said uncertain. Some people play sports religiously and take offence to people who don't.

"Yeah, me neither." She shrugged.

Gwen continued to ask me questions for ten more minutes and at one point I actually caught her taking notes. 

The teacher walked in and sat in her seat. She had short orange hair that fell straight to her shoulders and large thick rimmed glasses hanging off of her nose. She also had freckles.

She looked up and scanned the class, her green eyes landing on me.

"Good morning class, I'm sure you see we have a new student. Everyone, this is Camille." She smiled gesturing to me. I did a small wave and looked around the class. 

Everyone was looking at me with the same expression: boredom.

I guess I wasn't exciting enough for them.

It hurt a little.

My friends at home used to say I'm anything but boring. I guess not then. Those liars. I should sue...  

"Camille?" The teacher asked. I snapped out of my little day dream.

"What?" I asked, some kids snickered and I mentally hit them with my chair, it's not my fault I have the attention span of a gold fish.

"I asked if you would tell us a bit about yourself, you know, to get to know each other better." She smiled. I nodded.

"Ok, uh...Hi....I'm Camille, I uh, like unicorns and, uh...sparkles..I moved here from Heshenbriar and I'm 16.... 17 in May." I nodded.

The teacher smiled. "I like unicorns too." She giggled.

"Anyway, I am Miss. West and I will be your science teacher for the next year and a half." She clapped her hands together. "Now, who wants to talk about bla blaa bla bla blaa."

I zoned her out after I registered that the next words from her mouth would involve me learning.

Learning was not one of my favorite past times. I'd rather play hockey with a burning whale. Two of my least favorite things, fire and whales. I actually don't mind hockey but out of all sports it's my least favorite. 

But I'd rather play it with a burning whale than learn. It's just so boring.

I tried learning once.

Not the best experience....


"So class, you just take the one that's left and carry it over to here.." Miss.Dechelle explained carrying numbers to our fourth grade class. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Camille?"

What if you have two? Do you leave one there? Won't it get lonely?! Miss.Dechelle! That's not fair! WHY CAN'T YOU CARRY THE TWO! AND WHAT ABOUT THE FOUR! MISS.DECHELLE!!!" I cried waving my hand frantically. 

She sighed and rubbed the sides of her head.

"No Camille, you'd carry the two too...." I burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAH!! Why would I be carrying a tutu?" I laughed. Some of the other children laughed along with me, but most were used to me by now and just carried on with their work.

"No Camille, not a tutu, two too...As in the number and -"

"Can elephants fart?" I asked

"What?" She said confused

"Can elephants fart?" I repeated slowly.

"How would I-"

"Teachers know everything." I said matter of factly.

"Not every-"

"If you tickled a cow and made him laugh, would milk come out of his nose?" I asked putting my elbows on my desk and resting my hands in my head.

"Camille I don't-"

"If a turtle loses it's shell is it homeless or naked?"

"Camille, this is math not-"

"Ok then I have a math question." I said seriously.

"Yes?" She sighed.

"Ok so if you put 60 seconds on a microwave it will cook for the same amount as one minute right?" 


"So how come if you add one minute and one minute it's two minutes but 60 seconds and 60 seconds is one minute 30 seconds?" I asked confused.

"Camille, 1 minute 30 seconds IS-"


I mean I actually started crying. Like, bawling.

"Why would the mean meteor kill them all? WHAT DID THE DINOSAURS DO TO SPACE!?"

After that I pretty much just went on until snack time, don't even get me started about the history of the granola bar...

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