Chapter Five: Two New Friends

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Hayden's P.O.V.

I sat on the toilet, happily enjoying my lunch when I heard the door burst open and the boy who had just planted a pie in the stall beside me yell and run out of the room. I put my sandwich down and listened.

"Hayden? YOU IN HERE?" 

"Camille?" I questioned, opening the stall door.

"Hey!" She waved, completely oblivious to the the fact she was in the boys washroom.

"What are you doing in here? This is the BOYS bathroom!!" I yelled, she shruged and put her hands on her hips.

"I was looking for you, oh friend of mine. Why are you in here?" 

"I-I always eat in here..." I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked at my feet. 

Eating in the bathroom because I was too afraid to eat in the lunch room was more than a little embarrassing.

"Well that's no way to make friends!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door.

"Friends? I-I thought that we were... friends...?"

"What? Of course we're friends! But you can't have just ONE friend, that's pathetic!" 

"So where are we going?"

"The cafeteria"

I stopped, "I can't eat there.." I said.


"Brett said if he saw me in there he'd-"

"Brett's a stupid loser who just happens to be one of the biggest jocks at this school. Big deal." She scoffed and continued to walk.

"B-but he'll hurt me!" 

"Then I'll protect you, he wouldn't hit a girl would he?" She stopped and turned to look at me, I shrugged and shook my head. "Then it's settled, I'll protect you."

She continued to walk until we reached the cafeteria doors. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Ok, we're going to walk in there, get buy some lunch, then sit at a table and not let any annoying bullies bother us, alright?" She explained. I nodded, readying myself for disaster.

No offence to Camille but I know it wouldn't work. It's not like I haven't tried to eat in the lunch room. Contrary to popular belief,  I don't prefer the bathroom it's just safer. It smells but it's the price to pay for my safety. She turned around and pushed both doors open, then strode in with confidence with me trailing behind her. I looked at the "Jock Table" and saw Brett looking at me with confusion. i quickly looked away, focusing on Camille's back. We got to the lunch line and I looked back over to Brett to find him missing, panicking, I searched the room for his tall muscular figure. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, if it isn't Fadin' Hayden. What are you doing in MY lunch room?" I turned to see Brett glaring at me with a firm hand on my shoulder, dangerously close to my neck.

"Excuse me, we are trying to get our lunch." Camille interrupted, smacking Brett's hand off of me. "Also, "Fadin' Hayden" doesn't make any sense and by law the cafeteria belongs to the school. Not you."

Brett's nostrils flared, he raised his fist angrily and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Oh, so you're the type who hits girls?" Camille practically yelled, causing everyone to look in our direction. A few people whispered and watched intently to see Brett's next move.

"Wha-what, no no.. I wasn't going to... I uh.." He nervously looked around at all the other students. Once he realised all eyes were on him he faced us again. "Whatever. I'm out." With that he turned and walked out of the cafeteria, a few of his little sheep scurrying after him. I faced Camille who was beaming at me. She handed me and apple and then grabbed my hand, pulling me to find a seat.

We found a small, empty table by the garbage and sat down. Camille started to open her sub and I nibbled on my apple. She smilled at me,

"See, wasn't so hard." She shrugged.

"Thanks" I smiled, we continued eating and chatting when two people came over and stood by our table. 

One was a boy, about my height, with blue eyes and hair like Cheetos. The other was a girl, kind of short, with blond hair braided to her side and falling to her shoulder. She wore black nerd glasses and had freckles. I could see Camille go into bitch mode as she crossed her arms and looked up at them with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes?" She demanded. The girl shrinked back and shuffled over so she was somewhat behind the orange haired boy.

"Uh, I'm Bryce... this is Juliet... we saw how you stood up to Brett and we wanted to know if we could sit with you.." He explained. Camille smiled and clapped happily.

"Of course! sit sit!" She bubbled, motioning to two empyt seats. They sat down and put their luncheds on the table.

"So you guys hate Brett too?" She asked, I sighed at her bluntness and put my apple down.

"Uh, I guess..." He responded, knitting his eyebrows together with confusion.

"I'm Camille, this is Hayden. We too, dislike Brett." She nodded, grabbing his hand and shaking it wildly.

He laughed and picked up his sandwich. The girl, Juliet, followed suit and started poking at her salad. Camille winked at me and mouthed, "Two new friends"

I smilled and bit my apple. My first real friends.




Sorry I suck at uploading. I'm kinda real extremly lazy. I'll try harder! 


about 50 % of the time i dont know how the heck to spell Camille's name, whether it has one L or two, and A at the end, a silent B. So it might be different each chapeter, just ignore it, I might fix it i might not. 

second, when i say "Brett's sheep" i mean his follwers, his friends, his acomplises, ect. Brett does not actualy posses shhep, and he does not bring said sheep to school.

alright, i'll try to upload sooon....


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