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You were standing in front of Laxus, lightning emitting from his body and music notes floating around you with your (hair length/hair color) blowing in the wind. "Just tell me, why are you doing this Laxus? Does this have to do with your Fairy Tail?" You could even tell the maliciousness in your tone.

"Heh, as always, you know me so well (your name). You have to admit that you've realized it too right? How Fairy Tail has become weak? That's all gonna change when I become Master."

You let out an exasperated scoff "You bastard, that was your goal this whole time. There's no way Fairy Tail is going to belong to you Laxus. Not when you can't even support your own comrades."

"I'm not comrades with weaklings. And Fairy Tail doesn't need weaklings. I'll annihilate them all!!"

"If that's how you really feel, then even I am no longer your comrade, Laxus."

"Heh, fine by me." He takes off his fur coat and pulls off his headphones.

'See Mira? You were wrong. I am nothing to him.' You stare at Laxus' smug face with frustration. You two were about to battle. Crap, why were you having these memories now?

After running through the dark forest, you were sneaking around a campsite in torn up clothes and not even knowing who you are. The only thing left of your memory was your name that echoed in your mind.

You saw a small old man with white hair and a young boy about your age with blonde hair, they were both laughing. You felt jealous of them and their happiness. At the same time, you were starving. Once you saw the two of them leave, you quickly run to their campsite and try to steal as much food as you could. In the middle of it, you hear "Stop!" And you turn around to see the blonde boy chasing after you. You quickly grab all the food you could and ran. But you were weak from the lack of food and tripped on the root of a tree. The food spilled out of your arms and you slightly looked up to see the boy's feet were right in front of you. You closed your eyes and shook in fear while on your hands and knees.

"Here" were the only words you heard. Huh? You look up to see a smile on the boy's face, he's handing you a loaf of bread. You take the bread and then he offers you his hand with a gentle smile to help you get up.

"You're a wizard aren't you? I can sense magic within you." You quietly nod. "Awesome, why don't I introduce you to my Gramps, he's the master of a really strong guild called Fairy Tail." You continue to look at the ground with your stomach rumbling. He looks at how skinny you are and says "You can work and eat as much as you want over there."

"Really?!" you ask, your eyes began to sparkle. He's smiling again.

"Uh huh, c'mon. My name's Laxus by the way. Laxus Dreyar. What's yours?"

You blush quietly say, "It's (your name)."

"C'mon (your name), I'll take you to Fairy Tail." Laxus takes your hand and starts to lead you. You stare at his back and smile while tears start to form in your little (eye color) eyes. "Ok."

You look at Laxus' face, trying your best to hold in your tears, and began to make your first move. "Music Make: Avalanche!" Your music notes started to hurl at Laxus in the form of gigantic boulders. "Ha! Thunder Strike!" He commands and he cuts through your magic. Tsk. The fight drags on and you eventually get tired out, but Laxus looks as though he didn't even get a single scratch. He really is strong.

Laxus starts to laugh when he notices how tired you are. 'Damn it! Make this last one count.' "Music Make: Ocean!" It takes all your magic and music notes starts to create a ginormous Ocean hurdling towards Laxus. "You really think that could stop me (your name)! Lightning Disaster!" Laxus' Lightning cuts through your ocean. But between the gap that he created, you jump in the air to land a hard punch right onto his face. But Laxus, with his fast reflexes, quickly grabs your wrist and stops you. The force of your punch and his grab crushes your wrist and breaks it. You feel a sharp pain, and Laxus takes this opportunity to kick you in the stomach, which sends you plummeting into the ground to the point where the concrete breaks.

You can't move your body at all. "Haha" Laxus stands over you and gets on top of you with his fist in the air as if he were about to punch you. He grabs you by the shirt and lifts you up just a little. "You were never able to beat me (your name). What makes you think that that would change all of a sudden? You are exactly what I mean when I say Fairy Tail has gotten weak. They turned you soft." You were beaten up, but you still managed to say "No, you're wrong Laxus. I didn't get soft, you just became stone cold." Tears form when you remember the kind young boy who saved you from the forest. What happened to him? "You said that you were gonna annihilate all the weaklings right? Well I lost, so why don't you start with me?... Your Fairy Tail doesn't care for comrades right? Then get rid of me first to prove your point." Laxus stares at you while you're crying and speaking with a weak voice. Hoping your last words would make him feel at least a bit guilty. You see his fist still in the air and you close your eyes ready for impact....

"I-I can't..." you feel Laxus hug you. "I can't get rid of you, I can't betray you-" Laxus holds you even tighter and you can feel his warm tears dripping on your back. What was going on?

[COMPLETED] See You Again (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now