Chapter 18

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Your eyes filled with tears as Levi whispered the news into your ear. The roughness of your throats made it even harder for you to cry.

You clenched onto Levi's shirt and cried silently into it. Levi's eyes watered before quickly shutting them closed and embraced you. "I'm so sorry, (y/n)," Levi cried as he played with your hair.

You held onto Levi tighter than before as you gritted your teeth. Your legs became limp and jiggly like jello as you slowly collapsed with Levi still in your arms.

"" You murmured between panting. "She got into a car accident on her way to work...the funeral is next week," Levi kissed your cheek and wiped your tears.

You pointed to the medicine that Levi put on the table. Levi nodded and got up to get the medicine. He poured you the required amount and gave it to you to drink. Your hands trembled in fear as you brought the little cup to your lips. You gulped the liquid and cleared your throat.

"L...evi...Can you le..." You said before starting to cough. "I can't leave you, not at a time like this. You need me right now," Levi said as he put both of his hands on your shoulders.

You looked Levi in the eyes, tears still streaming down your face. "Levi...You're all I have," You cried into his chest. Levi's eyes lit up in realization. "Please...stay," Your shoulders trembled as you cried. Levi sighed and hugged you once again. "Of course...I'll always stay with you. I'm not going anywhere," Levi assured you as he pulled your (h/c) hair behind your ear.

You hyperventilated as you tried to breathe. "Please...Can you stay the night?" You asked Levi, looking back into his silver blue eyes. "Yeah, I'll just let Kenny know," Levi pulled out his phone and called his uncle.

He explained the news to him and told him he'd be staying over a few nights to make sure you were alright.

You rubbed your red eyes roughly as you walked up the stairs to your room. "I need to shower...I'll be back out soon," you yelled loud enough for Levi to hear. "Ok, don't take too long," Levi shouted as he walked into the kitchen.

Levi's POV

I gotta do something to cheer her up...lighten her mood a little. I picked up my phone again and dialed that little blonde boy's number. "Hello?" Armin answered. "Hey Armin, it's Levi. Look, (y/n)'s mom just passed away. You think you can get the whole gang to come over tomorrow?" I asked. "Aww...I'm sorry. Yeah, I'll do whatever I can. Just give me a time and it's done," Armin said.

"How about...2? She usually sleeps late," I suggested. "Great! I'll bring everyone over. Talk to you later! And...tell (y/n) to hang in there," Armin said. "I will. Thanks. Bye," I hung up my phone and sighed.

She's been in the shower for a while...30 minutes?

I ran upstairs into (y/n)'s room and knocked on her bathroom door. "(Y/n), it's time to come out," I said. No response.

"Alright, I'm coming in," Levi opened the door and saw you in the tub filled up to the top. You still had your clothes on but had cut your wrist so blood filled the tub. "(Y/N)!" I pulled her out of the tub and looked at her limp body. "Come on, wake up!"

He leaned down to your chest and stayed quiet to hear your heartbeat.

(Stop. Don't even. No YOI NOOOOO)


My eyes filled with tears as I pulled (y/n) close to me. "You fucking scared me...Babe don't fucking do this. I don't want you to leave me either, remember that. There's someone who cares about you out here, and that someone is me. Have you ever thought about how I'd feel?" I cried into her drenched shirt.

Normal POV

You slowly opened your eyes and smiled as you saw Levi crying into your boobs. "Levi...I'm sorry," You started to cry. You covered your eyes with your hands and cried into them as Levi looked back at you. "I know this is hard on you...but you don't need to hurt yourself or die because of this. I want you to be happy with me and you can't be happy with me if you're dead," Levi chuckled as he cried.

You smiled and pecked Levi's lips as tears streamed down your face. Levi returned the favor and kissed you back, caressing your cheek.

I've never felt this way this

Levi carried you back downstairs and laid you on the couch. He went into a cabinet and brought out a first aid kit. You smiled and wiped your tears as he pulled out some bandages and that stingy liquid.

"This reminds of that one time...when we were kids," You giggled and sniffed as Levi brought your wrist to him. Levi looked into your (e/c) orbs and smiled back. "You didn't cut too deep, so it won't hurt too much," Levi dipped a cotton swab in the liquid and rubbed it against the cut. You whined in pain as your wrist started to hurt even more.

"Hang on," Levi wrapped your wrist with bandages and finished it off with a kiss. You blushed at his kindness and sat up, bringing Levi into an embrace. "You wanna eat something? I can make something or we can order takeout," Levi asked as he turned to your ear. "I'm not hungry..." you mumbled quietly, thinking Levi couldn't hear.

Levi shook his head and grabbed his phone. "Guess I'll just buy (f/f) for myself," He said as he dialed the number. "W-Wait...I want some..." you grabbed his sleeve and rested your other hand against his hardcore abs.

Levi smirked and chuckled. "That's what I thought."

Levi ordered (f/f) and you both ate it as you had a casual conversation. Thoughts of your mother flashed through your head. A single tear escaped from your eye as you chewed on your food. Levi punched your playfully but saw you were actually sad. "Hey...Babe..." Levi said soothingly. "Seeing you sad makes me sad. What would your mom say? She'd definitely want you to be happy, wouldn't she?" Levi asked.

You nodded. "Mom would always say, 'Those who are long gone shall never be forgotten. Yet, those whom love them shall have a pure heart of happiness.' She always told me to stay positive and always go forward...Levi, I miss her," you said as you looked from your food to Levi.

Levi smiled and held your hand. "It's ok. It's normal to miss someone. I miss mine as well," Levi stood up and guided you up to your room. "Go to sleep, I have something planned for tomorrow," Levi said as he plopped you onto your bed. "But I just wanna be miserable...I don't wanna do stuff," You mumbled into your pillow.

"Trust me, you don't wanna miss it," Levi said as he tucked you in. You pulled the blanket off and got out of the bed. You opened your pajama drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts and a t shirt. "I'm changing, don't look," you said sternly.

Levi blushed and nodded, turning his head away to look out the window. You took off your clothes and put on your pjs. "You can look now," You said as you tossed your dirty clothes into your basket.

Levi looked back at you and checked you out. "You look cute and comfy," He swooned, making you giggle. "Shut up...meanie," You got back into the bed as Levi removed his shirt. "What? I sleep like this," Levi tossed his shirt into the laundry basket.

You blushed as you looked at Levi straight in the eyes.
"Just go to sleep, shorty," you snuggled closer to Levi and rested your head on his chest. "You too, cupcake," Levi said as he pulled the blanket over you both.

"Goodnight, my beloved."




You're welcome ;)

But I'll still put an exclaimer in the chapter to let you all know~

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