When will I see you again Pt.3

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Song: who are you really
Flos Draco ^
    "Uhh Y/N we are in a bit of a hiccup" One of the gnomes said
"What is it" I asked.
"Well we are missing one key ingredient, the Flos Draco" he replied
"What is a Flos Draco" Mabel asked.
"Flos Draco is Latin for Dragon Flower. It is a rare flower that you can't find in this realm. It is in a realm called Angel Falls. A very dangerous place if I remember correctly" I replied.
I paced around wondering how we would get to Angel Falls. We could build a portal. No that would take to long.
"I got it" I exclaimed "We could ask Ridge and Thia Peace"
    "Who are they" Dipper asked.
    "They are two sisters who can create portals to different realms. But they have a really high price for their portal users" I replied.
    "Someone called us" a voice said.
    "Ridge and Thia just the people we were looking for" I exclaimed.
~Dipper's POV~
    "Someone called us" a voice said.
    I turned around to see a girl with blue hair with red eyes. Next to her was a girl with black and red hair and red with a tint of gold in her eyes.
    "Ridge and Thia just the people we were looking for" Y/N exclaimed.
    "Hey Y/N how have you been" The red and black haired one said.
    "Thia we are not here to conversate we are here on strictly business" the blue haired one said.
    "Sorry, jeez" Thia replied.
    "We need to go to Angel Falls but we can't without your help" Y/N said grabbing their attention.
    "You want us to create a portal to Angel Falls, so you can get a flower needed to end Kaden and Markus' reign over your world?" Ridge asked.
    "Ye- wait how did you know this"
   "We know lots of things like your little friend over there is Bill Cipher, Dream Demon. And how he still isn't trusted by the Pines family" Ridge said pointing to Bill who was looking away, hoping not to get noticed.
    "WHAT, BILL WAS HERE AND WE DIDN'T KNOW" Ford angrily said.
    "Calm down Fordsy, Bill doesn't want to hurt anyone, he just came along" Ridge told him "Anyway we'll open a portal but on one condition"
    "And what would that be" Y/N raised her eyebrow.
    "You have to get us a Dragon Flower too"
    "That's it I would expect a higher price from you, Ridge, but I'll do it" Y/N said shaking the purple flamed hand that belonged to Ridge.
    "Perfect, we'll open the portal and call us when you want to come back"
    They opened the portal and Bill, Y/N and Ford stepped through.
~Y/N's POV~
    Once we were through the portal we started looking for the flower. We were halfway through the town when I bumped into someone.
    "Sorry" I said rubbing my head.
    "It's okay" a cheery voice said.
    A hand was extended to help me up I gladly took it. I looked at the person who helped me up. Mabel?
    "Hi I'm Mabel what's your name and why is Grunkle Ford here?"
    "Hi I'm Y/N and we are from a different dimension" I replied
    "Oh cool are you dimension travelers?" She asked
    "No but we know some dimension travelers" I replied.
    "Cool" she said
    "Mabel hurry up, you don't want to be late do you" I heard someone say. Dipper?
    "Coming, Bro Bro, it was nice meeting you" she said as she ran off. I noticed something on Mabel's back. Wings!
    "Anybody else notice-"
    "The wings? Yeah" Ford cut me off.
We kept looking around.
"Well, well, well if it isn't old Fordsy" someone said
"Bill stop joking around" Ford replied looking at Bill.
"Oh it wasn't him" the voice said.
We looked all around us and found a person in an alleyway.
"Who are you" I asked.
"The real question is who are you" he pointed at me.
"I'm Y/N L/N and if your wondering we aren't from this dimension"
"That explains why you have no wings " he said.
"Are you the Bill from Angel Falls" Ford asked.
"Precisely" he replied.
"Let me see you" Bill said, startling both me and Ford.
"As you wish" he said, stepping into the light.
He looked like Bill except different I just couldn't place my finger on it. Then it hit me. He has Devil wings!
"Why yes my darling I do have wings" he said.
    "I know you hate Ford and all but we are here to get something called the Dragon Flower. Do you know where it is?" Bill asked.
     "She and yes I do but she is of no authority to you"
    "She?" I questioned.
    "Why yes she is somewhere where no mortal can enter" he cooed
    "Who sai-" I put my hand over Bills mouth before he could say anything else.
    "What was that?" He said
    "Nothing" Bill growled
    "Ok. Well I have to get going, Ta Ta" he said as flew off.
I looked over to where Ford was and noticed Bill wasn't there. Shoot. He must have followed Devil Bill.
    "We need to find where Devil Bill went" I said, as I started walking.
    "Why do you need to find him" I heard a voice say.
    "Bill where did you go" Ford asked.
    "Oh nowhere just getting this" he said holding up three Dragon Flowers.
    "Woah now all we need to do is say Ridge and Thia's name like I just did and they will be here any second"
    "We're here~" Ridge said in a sing songy voice.
    "Great we got you the flowers" I said handing her two of them.
    "Oh we only need one so keep the other ones" Ridge said opening another portal.
    "Thanks Ridge" I said stepping through.
"No problem" she replied.
~Mabel's POV~
(Before they came back)
It's been three days since they left for Angel Falls. We saw a glowing thing come from Dipper and I's room.
    "What was that" Dipper said after hearing a thunk.
    We ran up the stairs into our room and saw Bill helping Y/N up which I suppose was the cause of the sound.
"Y/N, what took you so long" I said running up and hugging her.
~Y/N's POV~
"Y/N, what took you so long" Mabel said running up and hugging me.
"What do yo- oh yeah" I said "Wait, Mabel turn around"
"Why" she questioned.
"Just do it I'll explain later" I said turning her around.
I examined her back luckily there were no wings. I was relieved. Ridge has a tendency to prank her portal users. We started to work on the potion.
"Will this work" Dipper asked.
"Yep I have been marking potions since I was a little girl" I replied putting in the finishing touches.
    As I put the last ingredient in it made a small explosion. I drank the potion and tested out my powers. My whole body started to float in the air, it also went black, my wolf ears started to show, my hair turned from (H/C) to purple and my eyes and pendent started to glow. I shot a beam at a nearby tree and it dissolved.
"It's ready" I said as I floated back down.
    "Life will be different without that tree" Mabel joked.
~Time skip~
    Markus' POV
    Kaden had just made it back from looking for Bill. He was infuriated. He didn't find him but he caught a glimpse of him and the princess running with another boy. They looked as if they were going into the woods. But when Kaden looked back they weren't there any more. I had been trying to calm him down when we heard a loud slam.
    "Someone's here" I said
    "No duh, doofus" Kaden replied.
    We sent people to look for whoever was here. A few seconds later one of our henchmen came back with five people. Two we recognized instantly. Bill and the princess. The other three we didn't. Two of them looked to be about Eighteen. They looked alike in some way. One of them was a boy. He had on a pinetree hat and the girl had on a shooting star sweater. The last one was an old man. He was wearing a worn down lab coat and glasses. They were all struggling.
"Let me go you creep" the princess said.
"Chain them up" Kaden said.
The monster walked out and headed for the chaining room.
~Y/N's POV~
"Chain them up" Kaden said.
The monster walked out, with us in his hand and headed for a different room. The moment he stepped out of Kaden's sight I used my powers. I didn't do much, only a blinding spell. It would last for about an hour so we were safe for now. We ran into a random room to create a plan. From the looks of it the room hadn't been used for a very long time. We set up a plan and put it into action.
~Time Skip~
    Mabel's POV
    "Over here you big baby" I said sticking out my tongue.
    "No, Over here" Dipper yells from across the room.
    "No don't listen to him" I yelled.
    "I can't their to distracting" Markus replied.
    We saw Ford, Bill and Y/N sneak into the room. We knew what we had to do. I saw Dipper running toward Markus and so was I. We tackled him at the same time.
    "Agh get off me" He growled
    "Hey Doofus, are you looking for me" I heard Y/N say.
~Y/N's POV~
    "Hey Doofus, are you looking for me" I said.
    I had already drank the the last of my potion. My whole body started to float in the air, it also went black, my wolf ears started to show, my hair turned from (H/C) to purple and my eyes and pendent started to glow.
    I smirked as I shot two beams out at Markus and One at Kaden. I of course waited for the twins to get off of Markus before I wiped him of the face of the Earth. Everyone was quiet for a minute before they let out a cheer of victory.
    "Y/N, that was amazing" Mabel said hugging me.
~Time skip~
    It's been two weeks since the incident. Everything's been going great. We see "things" every now and then. But that all gets fixed in a matter of time. Bill ask me on a date a few weeks ago. During a date he gave me something. Something to remember the times ahead. Never thought I'd see it again, never thought I'd see the dragon flower again. Mabel and I are still best friends. Dipper is still awkward as ever. Ford conducted a research on me because I was a princess from another dimension. But that was fine I didn't care he was nice. We've had the occasional weirdness. But that's just Gravity Falls.
The End.
That was the ending of part three hope y'all enjoyed. A little sidenote Kaden Psyche and Marcus Locke are not mine. They are characters from a story called Monsters and Demons by arieldisneyfreak . They makes really great books. And the books can make you cry at times but that's okay. Anyway hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next chapter.
Peace out my little foxes
Word count 1966

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