Surprise, surprise

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A/N: OTP chosen in a poll over at Fanfic. You should check it out.

Pairing: Percabeth

Word Count: 913

"P-Percy?" Annabeth shakily called out. She was home from the store and waited in the hall way for an answer. When she didn't get one she moved from the hallway to the living room and started waking towards their room. After everything the two had been trough together, it was understandable that Annabeth got nervous when she was met with no answer from her otherwise enthusiastic fiancé. Walking trough their shared apartment, feelings battled for dominance inside of her. Nervousness, happiness, joy, excitement, confusion and several other feelings not even a child of Athena could identify. The nervousness, though, eased away as soon as Annabeth reached the doorway to her and Percy's room.
Inside, laying comfortably on their bed, was Percy, eyes closed and headphones on. Annabeth could tell from the second she saw him that he was listening to "How far we've come", his favorite song, just by looking at the way he was nodding his head. His messy, black hair constantly ended up in his face because of it and he had given up on brushing it away. It took everything Annabeth had not to just stand there and watch him there, so at peace, but her excitement got the best of her.
"Percy?" She repeated and started walking towards him slowly, the way one may approach an animal you want to pet. Annabeth knew better than to jump scare him, since Riptide would be out before she could blink. Although, with some distance between them when she did so it could work. This was a thing she could only get to do once in her life and she wanted to make it memorable.
Scanning the room Annabeth's eyes locked on one of Percy's slippers beside the bed. Sheepishly walking over, careful not to make Percy aware she was there, and getting the slipper Annabeth prepared. Then she made her way to the other side of the room and aimed. Later on Percy would be grateful he bought those soft, sock-like slippers instead of the other hard ones.
The slipper hit his chest with a thud and Percy jumped up into sitting position, on high alarm, ripping his headphones off only to face palm the second he hear Annabeth's hitched laughter. His eyes connected with hers with a look that could only say "are you serious right now?" before they both curated out laughing even more.
"Percy, I got something I want to tell you," Annabeth declared on the way over to sit beside Percy, which would frighten him if he couldn't see her smile. He smiled back at her and made a hand movement indicating to go on. That's when Annabeth realized the full weight of what she was about to tell him and that she couldn't just drop the bomb out if nowhere like that. Like when Percy purposed to her, she needed to build up to it. Say some sweet words first.
"You were listening to "How far we've come" just now, right?" Annabeth asked him. "Yeah, and I may or may not have had it on replay-" this earned a smile from Annabeth "- but how did you know that?"
This time it was Annabeth's turned to smile. "I'm a child of Athena, Seaweed brain," she whispered and leaned further in towards him.
"I tend to know things."
Closing the gap between them, Annabeth let her lips grace Percy's in a brief kiss, filled to the rand with history as Annabeth remembered the thousands other kisses like this they'd shared.
Enough with the build up, Annabeth needed to tell him and she needed to tell him now.
"We did it, Percy," she whispered as she pulled a few inches away from him, breaking the kiss. She felt his breath on her own lips and saw a spark of mixed disbelief and happiness in his sea green eyes.
"W-what?" The corners of his lips twitched and his eyes scanned her face for any sign that she was joking.
"We made it. I just checked."
Percy couldn't restrain himself anymore and started smiling as stupidly as Annabeth.
"You are- Are you?" Percy stumbled over his own words, and Annabeth decided to chime in and help him.
"I'm pregnant."
A hitched sound escaped Percy and before Annabeth could react he had pulled her into his lap, her legs straddling his hips, and he was kissing her.
Not briefly and barely like earlier, but full on, loving, possessing all the words none of them managed to say. Percy's hand sneaked in between their bodies while kissing, and rested on Annabeth's stomach as if he could already feel the baby kicking.
"I can't... believe... it," Annabeth pressed in between kisses. "I started... to lose... hope," she continued, but Percy shushed her as if he didn't want to hear any of it. Parting their lips slightly he whispered to her, "We made it, okay, that's what matters."
Annabeth pushed further away so she could fling her arms around him and hug him tightly. His hands locked themselves safely around her back, hugging her back, but only for a short while before he suddenly tossed her off and made a run for the door.
Startled, Annabeth got up and yelled after him. "Percy! Wait!" She shouted. "What are you doing?!"
She could hear his voice distantly calling back from where he was now in the kitchen. His voice was filled with the excitement of a little puppy.
"I gotta call my mom!"

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