Chapter 1

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Bilbo opened his eyes, breathing in the comfortable warmth of the sun as it streamed through the round window. The familiarity gave him calm.


Bilbo sat bolt upright in bed, the events of his last minutes of consciousness crashing over him like an icy wave. The motion shouldn't have been possible. He was over one hundred and thirty years old. A glance in the mirror gave the old hobbit even more pause. The image in the reflection showed something he had almost forgotten. He reached up and ran a hand through his hair. Smooth and long and curly and that rich coppery blonde he had long since stopped trying to dye it. His hair should be white. And frizzy. And old.

"Perhaps this is what Eru gave me. My heaven. She made me young and spry again." The thought made the hobbit happy, but it didn't seem right. If this is your heaven, then where is He? Where is... Bilbo cut off the thought before it could finish, not wanting to think about it.

Still mulling over the idea, Bilbo got dressed and went out to sit in his lovingly-cared-for front garden, lighting his pipe and lazily blowing smoke rings into the mellow summer air.

A puff of smoke popped the hobbit in the face, causing him to cough and open his eyes. A familiar grey mantle fluttered at his eye level.

"Good morning, Gandalf." He glanced up at the wizard, and was about to ask why his cloak was grey, when he met the wizard's gaze and something in the back of his mind just clicked.

He knew where this conversation was going. He remembered that smoke ring flying back up his nose. He remembered what would happen that night. Who he would meet.

"I did not think you would recognize me, Bilbo Baggins." The wizard looked rather surprised, but continued his conversation, as if it were no matter.

Bilbo took another puff on his pipe, attempting to hide his mixed feelings at his realization. "Do you think that just because it has been a long time since you have come and visited does not mean that I would not forget one of my dear mother's closest friends!" He attempted a cheery quip, but he wasn't so sure it worked.

"I do not know what I expected, but this is certainly not it." The tall figure regarded Bilbo carefully, the glint in his eyes that Bilbo found he could never puzzle out hiding beneath the wide brim of his hat. "I have a proposition for you, Bilbo."

"Go ahead?" Bilbo gestured for the wizard to continue with a wave of his pipe.

"I'm looking for someone with whom to share an... adventure. I think it would do you good."

Bilbo set his pipe in his lap, discreetly taking a deep breath. "I remember how often I would beg for them as a child. I don't believe that spirit has left me yet."

"Good. You will be a good addition to the company. I shall be going then." The unnaturally tall wizard took up his staff and ambled off down the road, humming some unfamiliar tune.

Bilbo sighed to himself and stood, letting himself into his house. He had thirteen dwarves to cook for, and he hadn't yet forgotten just how much the company could eat. 

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