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The horrid word always echoed in Jonathan's mind.He was imperfect,mistake,trash that someone discarded on the ground to be ignored by the rest of the world.

Of course jonathan was used to the neglect and mistreatment.Hell it has become a daily routine,

Wake up
Get dressed for school
Run into the "crew " again
Accept the beating
Head to the bathroom and cut one more line across the wrist
Two lines if he felt the need for more
Rinse and repeat
The "crew" was a group of 5,all equally sharing the burning hatred towards Jonathan.

Well equally is a strong word,only one of them hated Jonathan with a passion.The other 4 just followed lead,afraid to stand up and fight back,something jonathan tried countless times of doing but never had the strength.

As if life couldn't get any "better" for jonathan his mother passed away in a car crash leaving him alone with his sister and father.Jonathan's father was never the abusive type but....... alcohol and grief has the power to change a person like that.Jonathan's father would never lay a hand on his daughter but jonathan on the other hand,became his personal punching bag and all his sister could do was watch in fear as Jonathan would be beaten mercilessly.
Jonathan felt as he was at his breaking point,There was nothing to grab onto,something large enough to pull himself up onto it and say"everything is going to be okay..."he could do nothing but watch as his whole world begin to shatter behind him.
He was in fact truly


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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