Chapter 1

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Most people find that they are very scared of falling in love. Of getting in too deep with someone, and losing a piece of themselves in that person. Little do those people know, but losing yourself in another person might just be the way to truly find yourself. From my experience that's the way things seem to work out anyways.

Ever since I found someone who truly gets me and understands what I'm going through last September, nothing has been the same. He and I were just friends for years, we'd been through almost everything together. I had a pretty rough break-up with one of his guy friends, and instead of patting the guy on the back he came over to my house with ice cream and sat with me for hours, comforting me and letting me know that I'm not alone. He went through a break-up himself, and so I got some toilet paper and extra large eggs from the store, and drove over to his house. He got in the car, and then we went over to her house and ruined it. It was great. We had wanted to saran wrap her car, but he decided that would be taking it too far; don't tell him but I went back and did it anyways after dropping him off.

Anyways, we've been through absolutely everything together, days where everything seemed hopeless, and days where we were on top of the world together. He's my best friend, and I am his. These days we're pretty much inseparable. I go to all of his soccer games, and he comes to all of my track meets. We even got t-shirts with eachother's faces on them to wear when we go to the events. His is royal blue and mine is bright purple; I don't understand it but that's his favorite color. On the back of each shirt in bright white block lettering is "I promise not to hate you unless you lose, then I'll make fun of you." Needless to say we get made fun of whenever we wear the shirts together, but it's so much fun. After the people making fun of us go away we mess around and jokingly say they're just jealous. It's so much fun hanging out with him, and just messing around and being dorks the way we are.

My mom absolutely adores him, even though she calls him hopeless. I think this is mostly just because she's joking, but honestly, who knows what's going through her head. My dad likes him too. We have this tradition of going camping with my dad once every summer, and he won't let me skip out on it, even though the mosquitoes are terrible. It's alright though, because I always manage to push him either into the mud, or into the lake. I'm not really sure which is worse, but I always try to push him into the mud first. One year, he grabbed my hand after I pushed him into the lake, and pulled me in after him. We had the best time splashing each other, and having a dunking war. My dad was just doubled over in laughter the whole time, now I'm kinda starting to wish we had joined up against him and pulled him in with us. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

Anyways, we've been friends forever, and I'd trust him with anything. My deepest darkest secrets, as though I ever actually have any, my crushes, and my life. I think of all the things I trust him with, that one is probably the most important. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my life, not even my family. He's the only one that I know I can truly trust with everything. No matter what, I know he'll always be there for me; he always has my back. It's kinda nice knowing that he's always there for me like that, I'll never be all on my own. He feels the same way about me too. We're always on the same page, and we'd never do anything to hurt the other. There is complete and utter trust between the two of us. I don't think that anything could ever mess things up between the two of us.

Anyways, tomorrow is Monday which means we have to go back to school. The place where people constantly make fun of how close we are, even though we aren't dating. It's ridiculous how people get these ideas in their heads that a boy and a girl can't be friends or talk unless they are dating, but I guess that's society for you. It warps our minds in high school, so we'll continue judging people when we move onto college and beyond. The good thing is that even though the rest of the people in our grade are falling into the trap, we have managed to escape it. As long as Drew and I are together, we can accomplish anything.

Well, I've gone this far without giving you a proper introduction or description of either Drew or myself, so I suppose I better give you one. I'm going to start with Drew. He's about six foot four inches with size eleven feet. His emerald green eyes pop against his deeply tanned skin. He's one of those people who stay tan all through the winter, I guess we both are that type of person. His hair is cropped short, and he always styles it so it stands up at the front of his head. The light brown at its tips gradually darkens as the hair approaches the roots in a sort of ombre effect. He could easily be one of the more popular guys in the school, especially considering that he has massive muscles from working out in the gym with me. All of the girls hit on him, but he just brushes them off as though he has someone better that he's waiting for.

As for me, well, I'm five feet eight and a half inches, so relatively tall for my age, with size eight feet. My mom always makes fun of me for them because they are way too small for my body. I have dirty blonde hair that is lighter on the top and is brown underneath. Most of the time the coloring is annoying, but it looks really pretty in braids, which is how I normally do it anyways. My eyes are hazel, and they go in between being more brown or green depending on what I wear. I'm pretty standard when it comes to looks, but I suppose I am on the thinner side. I have my dad to thank for that; he gave me his high metabolism and love for running. I am a very quiet person, and don't talk to very many people other than Drew. Most people either think I'm too shy or too intimidating to get to know me. It's kind of annoying because I'm the furthest you can get from intimidating.

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