Chapter 26

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Selene's pov

"Naomi!" I called.

My voice fell on deaf ears. The door slammed shut behind Naomi, leaving the three of us in silence. Jeff growled and grumbled to himself. I struggled to my feet, Jack keeping hold of me so I wouldn't fall.

"I have to go after her," I said.

Jack didn't let me move. "No, you're too weak right now. You need to rest."

"I can rest after I go see Naomi," I argued.

I pushed Jack's arms away and marched toward the door. I was extremely tired, but I didn't care. I strolled past Jeff, flashing him a glare.

"Men," I calmly stated loud enough for him to hear.

I was very angry at Jeff right now. What he said was rude and insulting. I went outside, climbing onto Saber's back. Both dogs took off running with me pointing them in the direction I wanted them to go.

There's only one place where Naomi could go. My wolves ran all the way to Naomi's home where I saw Latte outside. I grinned to myself. I knew she'd be here.

I hopped off Saber and quietly went inside. I was immediately met by yelling and the sounds of things being hit, thrown, or broken.

"Damn him, that bastard! Why did I ever even give him a chance?! I hate him, I hate him so much right now!"

I entered the living room where Naomi was. She was violently stabbing her knife into the couch cushions. The coffee table was bent out of shape while broken objects were scattered all over the floor.

Once she had finally stopped, Naomi plopped on the torn couch. She huffed, her face red with anger. I slowly went around and sat beside her.

"Naomi..." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure Jeff didn't mean what he said, at least not in the way we think."

"Tch, yeah right," she said in a frustrated tone. "The spirits were wrong, Selene. He's not meant for me."

"Maybe you're right," I replied. "Jeff may be your mate, or he may not. We can't really know for sure."

She sighed. "You know, you're not really helping right now."

I noticed a slight movement out of the corner of my right eye. I looked back behind us, seeing a wisp of green disappear up the stairs. I stood and followed it upstairs, leaving Naomi alone.

I walked down a small hall, seeing a wisp of yellow this time. It darted into one of the rooms. I followed and entered a bathroom. I saw the souls of my family floating around a long, black bag.

I crouched beside it and took hold of the small zipper. Sliding it down a bit, I was met by the paled face of Naomi's cousin. The police never retrieved his body. I looked up at my family with a smile.

Naomi's pov

I listened to the song on the iPod. I recognized it as Stay by Florida Georgia Line. Such a sad song, what great timing. Jeff is such an ass sometimes. After the song had ended, I turned off the device, resisting the urge to cry.

Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, I turned to see Selene. She had a huge grin on her face and her green eye met mine.

"Naomi, I have a surprise for you," she said.

I sighed. "I think I'll pass. I'm not really in the mood right now."

She giggled. "You sure about that?"

She turned her head and gazed up the staircase. More footsteps could be heard and I followed her eyes. Steadily walking down the stairs was...

My eyes grew wide and I gasped. "A-Austin?"

He stopped beside Selene at the base of the stairs, a smile on his face. I looked him up and down. He looked as if he had never been killed. His brown hair and eyes were the same, he even still wore his glasses. I didn't see any wounds or blood on him.

He didn't speak, only smiled and held his arms out. I immediately got up and tackled him in a hug that he eagerly returned. The warmth and color of his skin proved that he truly was alive.

I soon pulled back, smiling at him. "Austin, I thought you were gone for good."

"I was. But your friend here performed a miracle."

I looked over at the girl. "How?"

She laughed lightly. "My family. They wanted to thank you for helping to save them. They brought his soul back and I healed his body."

I pulled her over into a hug, murmuring, "Thank you."

"So," Austin interrupted, "Naomi, I hear you had a fight with your boyfriend. He's the one that killed us, right?"

"How did you...?"

He chuckled. "Selene filled me in. How can you stand him? He's a cold-hearted monster."

"He's not as bad as you'd think," I told him with a small smile. "He's actually pretty nice when you get to know him."

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly and turned my face away in embarrassment. I can't believe I'm talking about Jeff in such a way. My rage was subsiding at the thought. I noticed the changing expressions on my cousin's face. He looked like he was struggling to not interfere with my choices. I guess he still remembers our agreement.

Austin finally sighed. "I can't keep you from dating who you want. I just have one question for you. Do you like him?"

I stared at him in thought momentarily before nodding. "Well... yeah, but-"

"But nothing," Austin interrupted with a shake of his head. "If you like him, then you've gotta go back to him. Fights among couples are normal."

I huffed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Besides, now you get to join our family too, Austin. That'll make it even better."

I turned to leave but was stopped by Austin's hand on my shoulder. "Wait, before we go, I think we should tell your mom that everything's okay. She's been blowing up my phone since I was killed."

He showed me his phone. It had a small crack at the corner of the screen but still seemed to work okay. His phone showed dozens of messages, missed calls, and voicemails. My mom must've been worried when she couldn't get a hold of me.

I nodded. "You do it. I can't bear to say goodbye. Just let them know that I'm fine and happy."

He dialed my mom's number. We were silent and I could hear the ringing. No one answered and Austin went straight to voicemail.

"Hey, Aunt Ellie. Sorry I haven't answered in a while. Naomi and I have been... caught up in things lately. But don't worry, we're doing fine."

Austin looked at me sadly. "In fact, this'll be the last time you'll hear from us. Naomi and I are going away, we can't tell you where, but just know that it's of our own free will. So, goodbye, Aunt Ellie, we'll miss you and the girls."

He hung up. I was relieved that that was over. I hope my mom and sisters won't be too worried. But the Slender Mansion is where we belong now.

Austin sighed and threw his phone on the floor, shattering it. Our contact with the outside world has now been cut off for good. I smiled at him and Selene and ushered them both outside. Latte immediately whinnied and rushed over to my cousin.

He pet her head. "Latte! I missed you too, girl!"

"Bella and Edward are also back at home," I told him. "Let's get going so you can meet everybody."

I jumped on Latte with Austin getting on behind me. Selene climbed on Saber. Our group took off back toward home. Everyone was finally back together now, my old family and my new family. Though I had a feeling Austin and Jeff weren't going to be the best of friends, but I think we can manage.

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