10. July xx, 1995 *continued*

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July 2nd, 1995

Juniper backed away slightly, but Jack was there in an instant.

She watched with glassy eyes as his long, tan arm swept behind her in one rapid movement, the deafening slam made her ears ring, and for a moment she thought he'd hit her. The thought was dismissed as soon as it presented itself in her mind. Juniper twisted her head to see that the bedroom door had been shut into place, the previous dents and cracks in the white wood gone and re-hinged. She turned to see Jack smiling down at her, his cheeks spread too wide for it to be real.

"Y'know Ju-ni-per, I woke up this morning, in the mood to be a nice guy. After our last little get together, I figured you deserved it. So, I went ahead and repaired your little door here," Jack tapped his fingers against the door behind her head for emphasis, the smile hadn't disappeared but his eyes held a false light in them that mocked her every time they flashed back toward her face. "...for you that I, uh, roughed up last time, but then, then, here you come in, on the verge of tears, and bloody." His already deep voice dropped several octaves, and instantly brought chills to Juniper's scraped up form. "Now, Joony, you either tell me, right. now. Who's teeth" Jack bared his own at her, the faux lightness gone in an instant, "I'm gonna' cut my knuckle on, orrrr, I'm gonna' do somethin', that we'll both regret."

Juniper was horrified when she felt her chest stutter, and burn all the way up to her throat, she swallowed thickly, and hoped Jack wouldn't notice the way she had subconsciously moved closer, if he had, he didn't do anything about it. His dark eyes continued to pierce her own, and Juniper did her best to distract herself from the unwelcome feeling of excitement coiling in her stomach, but only caught sight of his sharp jawline, pulsating from the pressure of his teeth. Juniper let out a curse and looked down to avoid his gaze.

"It's really nothing, Jack.. honest." It was worth a try but the snarl that curled his pouting lips told her that she wouldn't get off so easily. "Look, it's kinda' embarrassing actually" Juniper mumbled, staring at her feet and bunching the fabrics at her thigh up. "I, uh, I fell.. and-" The rough feeling of his fingers capturing her chin, and tilting her face up, cut off her last stuttered breath, and she couldn't help but take note of how his calloused fingers felt against her skin. Juniper only hoped she'd remember the moment forever.

"Don't lie to me, Joony, you know I hate that. I was willing to admit, I was... wrong to take my... annoyance over Wayne out on you, but this is different, Juniper, this is very different." Jack's voice was normal, and she realized he was trying to be calm with her, so she'd be more willing to tell him, but there was nothing to tell him. Juniper fidgeted nervously, sighing every few seconds, and trying to gain her thoughts. It was difficult with Jack so close to her, each time her chest heaved, it brushed against his, and her eyes flutter closed.

"I.. I was on my way, to come see you-" Jack's brow raised, questioningly but Juniper simply continued. "and, and I... panicked.. and," She screwed her face up at herself for stumbling over her words, and getting herself into this predicament in the first place, but the feeling of being watched made her go on. "and I fell, and scraped myself up in the woods," Juniper lowered her head, and stared down at Jack's dirty combat boots. "I think-I think I had a little panic attack, and I just wanna' go to bed now,and it's okay, I'm okay." She nodded her head at herself before looking up at Jack again, thinking she was going to see his mocking, smiling face, staring down at her.

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