Remembering Hurts

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You know how you meet someone and they end up changing your life forever? And then next thing you know, you never see them again?

Yeah, I know.

It sucks.

It's like a piece of you had been ripped out by force, like some child is watching you writhe in pain as you slowly bleed to death. Like your heart has been ripped out of your chest and set in front of you, letting you watch it beat before you as you slip into the dark, thin fingers of death. Or as one of my friends likes to put it, "It's like getting kicked in the balls a hundred times."

Especially if you loved this person dearly.

I still dream of him sometimes, wondering if he even remembers me. I think of his amazing blue eyes, the way his skin felt against mine, the way his curly hair felt between my fingers, all those times he called me beautiful when I feel like a piece of crap. I loved him, and now he's gone.


I officially have no other words to type. I guess I'll type you all later. I need a nap.

Until next time,

Elly </3


I seriously need some help with this. How do you get over someone you love?

I still sleep with the bear he gave me every night...

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