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The toxin was the last thing I wanted to think of. Fears of anxiety, hatred and vengeance lingered in my thoughts. However, the sight of blood and brutality would trigger troubled anxiety that would cause my inner demons to wafer the ideal humanity for peace. Terror was the only sight as I noticed the gruesome face with my bare eyes. The hatred grew as my flesh began to create ice particles in sight before I could face my greatest fear. The acceptance of reality from the past. I would always neglect the truth of my presence and how I would affect this world.

The fear toxin remained in the surroundings of the embassy hallways became a dark and hollow isolation prison cell. Arkham Asylum. The iris pupils swelled in pain as I rocked back to the tied chair as I was choked. Broken haystack tears created the illusion of crows gathering in Scarecrows jaws as he chuckled at my wounded body.

"I was expecting a fight from you, Young Al'Ghul." The sadistic figured mocked me. "No wonder no one wished to take you in their care... No wonder he still blamed you for his fallen son's death." The hollow eyes glowed with crimson yellow. "I guess, I should be blessed that Batman has a weakness, your presence makes him uneasy because you killed his sidekick!"

"No..." I muttered to myself. With a quick glance around the surroundings, I was locked in a cell, with minimal chance of escape. My throat rasp in anger as I plead. "I did nothing to Batman, I did not cause the death of the second Robin!" The feminie speech quickly came to a halt as my voice choked in fear. "I tried to stop him but the Joker used me as bait which lead to the capture of the Robin-" I tried to continue but it was stopped by demonic laughter.

"Darling!" The new voice welcomed himself. "Why are you blaming me darling!" A sharp yet rusted blade glided amongst my neck. "You shouldn't put the balm onto your father."

Words began to yell in my mind. Flashbacks of horrific incidents crushed my dream. "You are not my father!" was the only breathe I could take before the fear toxin worn off. The only sight I saw was the red mask from the embassy hall. "Hood..." I muttered before I lost sight of everything.


Dreams of the past reflected on how life was for myself as a nobody until I was thrown into the demonic path I must follow or I would lose my mortality.

The unfamiliar dry humid weather caused a shiver to run through my body. In the unknown climate, my nostrils felt stiff, exposed in the cold breeze. My thick, dry skin prickled with goose bumps whilst waiting for the morning bus on the typical school day. Impatient automobiles welcomed the locals with their thick diesel-smelling smog. The quiet metro transportation finally arrived at the pick-up, beginning the adventure through the Parade road. Bustling locals were seen in the mirror as they filled cafes, sipping black coffee.

Upon arrival at the mysterious location near the heart of Gotham, there was a lingering scent of sweet honey. Mother nature aesthetically displayed itself in the eastern suburbs through vines, showing a fresh and happy atmosphere for the annual fare. The corner café created a sense of mystery as it faced the entrance of the rumoured spectacular Botanical Garden which was rumoured created by Poison Ivy.

In the luscious location, a hidden steel gate was revealed, curiosity forming in those who thrive for an adventurous tour in the Botanic Garden. The main trail was humid yet cold in different areas, complicating the purpose of my three layers of black clothing. The fascinating new location created an enlightening atmosphere as the main pathway contained various plants and trees in different shapes and sizes.

However, the luscious location was destroyed by the ambush of the League of Assassins, their target was me. The seventeen-year-old self was scared, confused with the ordeal as lethal ninjas danced around the trees for my attention. I ran for my life as I felt breathes amongst my skin as I was desperate to save myself. Things went downhill when I tripped over a live vine of an old oak tree. A feminine giggle welcomed the assassins before revealing their glamorous presence, the one of only, Poison Ivy.



What just happened to that stupid woman. She was told to keep a calm mind when escorting the ministers in the embassy. Why am I assigned to this stupid Ambassador? I just hope my contractor would reward me her head, instead of her safety. I fiercely typed in the computer database about the recent confrontation of the Australian Minister and the acting Gotham Youth Minister that was interrupted by the Pig and Ra's al Ghul. I sighed to myself as I observed the disguised ninjas who watched the new young minister. After reading into her history, she is linked to my murder without intention but I just as confused why she was in the opposite side during some gang related fights. Was it to cover her mistakes in the past, or was it because she was ordered to, to forget about her past?

Within a few hours of the mingle between the two nations, the gossip came to a halt when screams were recorded down the hall. I transmitted the recording and watched how Dr. Jonathan Crane used his psychologist tactics on the party goers. Shots of the chemical gas exposed the chaos within the political hall, which alerted the assassins to begin their assignment. I cursed to myself when a phone call was heard from my ear piece.

"Speak or your-" I angerly lashed at the caller.

A high pitch female voice choked, "I hate to say but I need your help." Several gun shots were heard. "We have a few company; Pig and League Assassins... with Dr Crane for the cherry on top." The caller joke before demanding my aid.

"You owe me," I replied before I crashed the surprise party as I jumped through the tempered glass. "Escort Commissioner Gordon safely, I will handle the rest," I murmured in an earpiece. I clenched my fist with a sound of cracked in some bones. I excitedly provoked the goons, "Looks like some boys did not understood what I told them last month."

The hall became a battlefield for the guest as they raced to safety while Liz Chia engaged with the assassins in the act of self-defence. It did not raise a question to myself as she was brought up in an horrific life. More horrific than my torture. With her hidden strength from the many resurrections of the Lazarus Pit, she able to manipulate ice and fire particles due to her inner demons which rages in her body in a daily basis.

With ease, the grunts from the pesky Pig goons ran off in fear when they noticed the change of the atmosphere, I didn't take notice of it until a loud shriek was heard. It was then I noticed the young Chia confronted by her worse fear. Hallucination controlled her mind, but I was not able to do anything. I ignored her screams of fear as I left the scene as my job was over. I was only order to protect the ministers, not defeat any particular villain. I am sorry Scarlet, you are on your own.


It was not long until I was lectured by my contractor. It was none other than the Bruce Wayne. The multi-billionaire grumbled as he sat in his desk with his hands on his chin. Thoughts ran though his mind as he could not be in his night persona during an important appointment. Wayne explained that Elizabeth was meant to be taking over his role in the Wayne Industry as Bruce's sectary but last night events was unforeseen from others. People knew that the Assassins were for her blood, but not the presence of Scarecrow.

I was tasked with her rescue as it was meant to be Grayson's job but he was too busy with his love life, where ever he was. The sudden change of events ruined the strategy proposed by myself. I guess my revenge is on break as the key figure in the revenge is essential to the damn cruel person. With irritated groans, I headed out and tried to locate the chestnut brown young minister. Out of all places, there is at least several locations she may be, if she is kept by Dr. Crane – Scarecrow. Hope she hasn't be impaled by the fear toxin, it would take months for the toxin to leave her entire system after what her body had been through. My guess is that it would take a damn long time – at most, four months, which would piss me off. I clicked my tongue as I rode my motorbike through slum alleyways of Gotham city.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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