The dream

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(dream POV)

I ran to my mother and hugged her, with my stubby little legs I rocked us back and forth in the hug. I was 5 years old in my old dark blue night gown. I was dressed for bed and my mother and I were outside as the sun was setting. She asked me to sit down with her. We watch the sun sink behind the horizon. I had a calming feeling wash over me as the sky went dark. I was at complete ease. My mother held my hand and said to me "My darling sugar plum, I wish the whole world one day lay at your feet. There is something your little ears should hear, so that maybe one day when the time is right you will remember. Soon your smile will be the sharpest and your smell will be the strongest. My dear sugar plum you are so special. More than you will ever know." She then looked at me and smiled with very large fangs protruding past the rest of her teeth. I looked at her in awe and said "Mother when will my teeth be like yours?" she chuckled and said "In time baby, in time. You see we are vampires. I am a vampire, your father is a vampire. Making you a vampire." I smiled and breathed deeply. "Where is papa?" I said and kicked my feet. Her face dropped and said " Hes out protecting you and me sugar, you see there are a lot of people who don't like us and even don't believe we exist." She hugged me and stood up, picked me up and put me on her hip. She walked toward our house and said "for your safety you can't know who you are or who I am. I will raise you among the humans. You will live as one of them. Its the only way I know to keep you safe. You will live naturally among them because you wont get your fangs until you lose your baby teeth. And you might not even get them then. I got mine when I was 15. Hopefully if you don't know who you are your fangs won't come in." I laid my head on her shoulder and said "Mama why do I have to live with them?" She petted my head and said "Sugar plum it is for your safety." She then lifted me off of her hip and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes turned golden and she said sternly "you will forget this conversation and who you are until the time is right." She put me back on her hip and I fell asleep.

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