The Final Meeting

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It was all planned. They were about to have a meetup. Jack, Ford, Lina and Julia hadn't met up in a long time. The mastermind behind this was Jack, the so-called leader of the gang.

The truth was this meetup was all just a ruse. Jack had been planning this meetup for a week, with the help of Ford and Lina. This meetup was all to confess his feelings of love to Julia, which he had kept since their elementary school days.

The day had come and they decided to meet at their favourite burger joint, which they constantly visited back in their secondary school days. The first to arrive was Jack. He was casually dressed, with dark jeans and a striped dress shirt. Though his clothes were plain, he couldn't help but stand out with his good looks and muscular build.

Ford and Lina arrived shortly after, arms linked. Lina had confessed to Ford last month but they were already getting very friendly with each other. Ford is a very good looking guy and it was no surprise that Lina would fall for a guy like him. Lina was no exception as well, with her beautiful and petite face, they were getting glances from all around.

Julia was last to arrive and by no doubt attracted the most attention. Her beauty was unexplainable and is the reason why she is sought after by many. Jack thought he stood no chance at her but decided to go on with his plan.

They evening went by smoothly and soon they were all walking side by side on the way home. They reached a fork in the road. That's where Ford and Lina separated from the group. It was all part of Jack's plan. He wanted to get some time with Julia alone to confess.

Julia and Jack continued walking. They lived close by so walking home together like this wasn't rare. They reached the front of Julia's house. "It is now or never!" Jack thought.

Jack let it all out. All his feelings towards Julia had been released and now Julia knew. "I love you! I've loved you since our primary school days! Can we go out?". Julia looked into Jack's eyes. She tried to say something but nothing came out. She started to cry. 

Jack looked at her. "I guess the answer is no?". Jack took of his dress shirt, revealing his white undershirt, and draped it over Julia. Jack then walked on home, not looking back to see Julia's face.

It's been a week since Jack had confessed.

Julia sat there in her room and stared at her phone on her desk. She had been pondering on whether to call Jack or not for the past week. She finally came to the decision to call him.

She dialed his number. She hesitated to press the call button. She took a deep breath and pressed 'call'. He picked up. "Hello? Is this Jack?" Julia asked. She expected a 'yes' but it was instead the voice of a girl probably in secondary. "Hello? Who is this? This is Jack's sister, Jane,".

"May I speak to Jack?" asked Julia.

"I'm sorry but you just missed him," replied Jane.

"What do you mean?" questioned Julia.

"He has already left for England for his university studies," explained Jane.



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